Custom Query (37 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#274 EU09/02, flight day 239a/2009, Swiss alps assigned knpa flight processing 2009 Data processing completion Archiving
#280 GB07/09-10, flight day 239b, Swiss alps accepted mark1 flight processing 2009 Data processing completion Archiving
#352 GB07/09, Flight day 212a/2010, Alps accepted knpa flight processing 2010 data processing completion Archiving
#353 EU09/02, flight day 212b/2010, Alps assigned knpa flight processing 2010 data processing completion Archiving
#417 EM10/06, flight day 260/2011, Italy assigned knpa flight processing 2011 data processing completion Archiving
#418 EM10/06, flight day 261/2011, Italy assigned knpa flight processing 2011 data processing completion Archiving
#419 EM10/06, flight day 265/2011, Italy assigned knpa flight processing 2011 data processing completion Archiving
#434 GB12_04, flight day 086/2012, Eaves Wood assigned knpa flight processing 2012 data processing completion Archiving
#439 GB12/04, flight day 090/2012, Frame Wood accepted adbe flight processing 2012 data processing completion Processing: general
#449 RG12/10, flight day 206b/2012, Milton Keynes new flight processing 2012 data processing completion Processing: general
#464 GB12/05, flight day 259/2012, Monks Wood new flight processing 2012 data processing completion Processing: general
#467 GB12/04, flight day 291b/2012, Eaves Wood new flight processing 2012 data processing completion Processing: general
#495 IG13/19, flight day 219/2013, Virkisjokull new flight processing 2013 data processing completion Processing: general
#501 RG13/08, flight day 260a/2013, Ash_Die_1 assigned emca flight processing 2013 data processing completion Processing: general
#516 BAS13/01, flight day 069/2014, Tamar new knpa flight processing 2014 data processing completion Processing: general
#517 BAS13/01, flight day 070/2014, Tamar new flight processing 2014 data processing completion Processing: general
#529 GB12/03, flight day 169/2014, Loch Lomond new tec flight processing 2014 data processing completion Archiving
#12 Create regression test set new mggr task The Glorious Future ARSF
#19 Web-based user guide new sbg enhancement The Glorious Future Support
#91 Automatic detection of scan timing offsets new mark1 task The Glorious Future Processing: general
#291 Last Hawk band (233) always blank in level 1 new benj bug Processing: general
#300 using close button in file open window causes graphics bug accepted harg bug LAG
#325 File format recording new benj task Metadata
#336 GB08/18, Flight day 262/2008 River Frome new emca flight processing Archiving
#337 UR08/02, flight day 261/2008, River Coquet new emca flight processing Archiving
#387 assigned knpa task PML utilities
#471 ET12/18, flight day 318/2012, Rift new flight processing Processing: general
#474 LiDAR Calibration Issues - Software new support Processing: LIDAR
#475 GB12/04, flight day 106/2013, Eaves Wood new benj flight processing Archiving
#478 BGS12/01, flight day 120a/2013, Aylesbury assigned tipo flight processing Archiving
#482 EM10/06, flight day 134/2013, Perugia new benj flight processing Archiving
#483 EM12/19, flight day 133/2013, Perugia new benj flight processing Archiving
#511 BAS13/01, flight day 062/2014, Tamar new benj flight processing Archiving
#512 BAS13/01, flight day 063/2014, Tamar new flight processing Processing: general
#513 BAS13/01, flight day 068a/2014, Tamar new flight processing Processing: general
#578 - Counting number of files new enhancement arsf_internal_code
#579 - Checking length of wls file is same as number of wavelengths in header files new bug arsf_internal_code
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