== Alsproc Development == == Structure == == Subversion == Alsproc can be found in subversion under tools/alsproc. Obtain a copy with svn checkout. {{{ svn checkout http://rsg.pml.ac.uk/intranet/svnroots/arsf-internal/trunk/tools/alsproc }}} You can make and manage your changes in this checkout. When you've tested it and you're happy, you may need to advance the version number. Edit the Makefile in src/, and find the line which says vers=x.x.x and advance it as you need. {{{ # VERSION NUMBER vers=0.0.9 }}} When you're satisfied, commit the changes. {{{ svn commit }}} And finally, tag the branch version if you advanced the version number. {{{ svn cp http://rsg.pml.ac.uk/intranet/svnroots/arsf-internal/trunk/tools/alsproc http://rsg.pml.ac.uk/intranet/svnroots/arsf-internal/tags/alsproc-0.0.9 -m "tagging new version of alsproc" }}} == Installation in ARSF == Current policy is to install in the home directory of the arsf user, as this asserts that all users across the department are using the same and current version of alsproc. Enter usr/opt/alsproc and check out the version you wish to build, check out the repository, compile it, and install it locally using the purpose-built Makefile rule: arsf_install. {{{ cd ~arsf/usr/opt/alsproc svn checkout http://rsg.pml.ac.uk/intranet/svnroots/arsf-internal/tags/alsproc-0.0.9 cd alsproc-0.0.9/src make make arsf_install }}}