= NEODC Data Delivery = This page documents the procedure to follow when delivering data to NEODC. First, we need to have some data to send - these should be datasets that are 'completed'.[[BR]] All sensors need to be delivered and r-synced. Check with whoever processed each sensor if need be. [[BR]] 1. Move workspace project into workspace/being_archived 1. Prepare the relevant datasets: 1. Make sure everything is where it should be! (see [wiki:Processing/FilenameConventions] for the layout) 1. Check everything is there (LIDAR DELIVERY DEM, PDF logsheet, delivery directories, scripts, applanix/rinex data) 1. Add a copy of the relevant trac ticket(s) ; run: {{{ mkdir -p admin/trac_ticket pushd admin/trac_ticket wget --recursive --level 1 --convert-links --html-extension http://arsf-dan.nerc.ac.uk/trac/ticket/TICKETNUMBER popd }}} 1. Delete the contents of the lev1/ subdirectory, where these are duplicates of the delivery directory. 1. Scan the filesystem for any 'bad' things and fix them: 1. delete any unnecessary files - backups of DEMs that weren't used, temp files created by gedit (~ at end of filename), hidden files etc 1. Remove executable bit on all files (except the point cloud filter and the run[aceh] scripts) -> `find -type f -not -wholename '*pt_cloud_filter*' -and -not -regex '.*/run[aceh]/.*sh' -and -perm /a=x -exec chmod a-x {} \;` 1. Find all files/dirs with unusual characters (space, brackets, etc) - use `find -regex '.*[^-0-9a-zA-Z/._].*' | ~arsf/usr/bin/fix_naughty_chars.py` to give suggested commands, but check first 1. Give everyone read permissions (and execute if it has user execute) for the current directory and below - `chmod -R a+rX .` 1. Create an archive tarball for NEODC to download: {{{ su - arsf cd ~/arsf_data/archived/ # figure out what you want to archive, e.g. all in 20080219 archive dir, then qsub_archiver.sh 20080219/2007/flight_data/uk/* # note you need to specify dirs at the project level, hence the * above # To run the archiving locally rather than via the grid engine, use: ./archive_helper-justdoit.sh 20080219/2007/flight_data/uk/* }}} 1. When complete, this will have dumped the data into `~arsf/arsf_data/archived/neodc_transfer_area/staging/`. Check it looks ok then move it up one level so NEODC can rsync it. 1. Notify NEODC they can download the data. 1. When NEODC have the data: 1. Remove it from the transfer area 1. Note on ticket that it's been sent to neodc (with date.) 1. When NEODC confirm they have backed up the data: 1. Create a directory on /data/larsenb1/archived/arsf/ and move the data to it. [[BR]] e.g. `mv ~arsf/2008/flight_data/uk/CEH08_01/ /data/larsenb1/archived/arsf/2008/flight_data/uk/CEH08_01` 1. Create a symlink to the project in it's original location. Point the symlink through ~arsf/arsf_data/archived rather than directly to larsen [[BR]] e.g. `ln -s ~arsf/arsf_data/archived/2008/flight_data/uk/CEH08_01 ~arsf/arsf_data/2008/flight_data/uk/CEH08_01` 1. Note in ticket that it has been backed up NEODC and give new data location. 1. When NEODC confirm that everything appears to be in order (maybe wait a week): * Close the ticket * Delete the workspace copy in being_archived