= 2023 Installations = The 2023 campaign saw four differnt configorations of instruments on board the VP-FBL Twin Otter in Italy, UK and Canada. = Instrument Orientations = '''Note:''' I believe that the IMU being "backwards" is the way our processing systems expect it. ||Installation||Julian Range||IMU||Owl||Fenix1k||Ibis||PhaseOne|| ||Italy 1||143 - 152||Backwards||Backwards||Backwards||Forwards||Forwards|| ||Italy 2|| 176 - 183||Backwards||Backwards||Backwards||Forwards||Forwards|| ||UK||190 - 200||Forwards||Not Installed||Backwards||Forwards||Forwards|| ||Canada||226-235||Forwards||Forwards||Backwards||Forwards||Forwards|| The following should outline the data from which instruments which requires across-sample flipping in order to map. ||Installation||Julian Range||Owl||Fenix1k||Ibis|| ||Italy 1||143 - 152|| || ||flip|| ||Italy 2|| 176 - 183|| || ||flip|| ||UK||190 - 200|| ||flip|| || ||Canada||226-235|| ||flip||flip|| Unsure why the Ibis needs flipping but it definitely does. = Boresight Values = Values are in the format of pitch, roll and yaw. ||Installation||Julian Range||Fenix1k||Ibis||Owl|| ||Italy 1||143 - 152||+0.63 -1.10 +1.90||+0.18 -1.60 +1.00||See below|| ||Italy 2||176 - 183|| || ||See below|| ||UK||190 - 200||+0.45 -0.10 +1.50||-0.20 -0.70 +0.75||Not installed|| ||Canada||226 - 235||-0.45 +0.05 +0.00||-0.09 +0.25 -0.25|| -0.48 -0.27 -0.50|| The Owl boresighting for the Italy flights is more complicated as it was on a movable mount allowing data to be collected a different angles. Each angle changes the boresight offsets. Italy 1 Owl Boresight: ||Angle||Pitch||Roll||Heading|| ||Nadir|| || || || ||20|| || || || ||35|| || || || Italy 2 Owl Boresight (julian day 179): ||Angle||Pitch||Roll||Heading|| ||Nadir||0||-0.60||0.70|| ||20||-0.15||-0.60||0.99|| ||34||-0.25||-0.60||1.20|| '''Note:''' Offsets for the 20 degrees looking angle have been estimated by scaling the difference between the nadir and 34 degree offsets. = Swath Masking = The Fenix1k and Ibis field of view is obstructed by the aircraft throughout this flying season. This appears as a vignette and needs to masked during aplcal. The following mask files have been made to achieve this. ||Installation||Julian Range||Fenix1k||Ibis|| ||Italy 1||143 - 152|| f1k_swathedge_mask.txt || || ||Italy 2|| 176 - 183|| f1k_swathedge_mask.txt || || ||UK||190 - 200|| f1k_swathedge_mask.txt || || ||Canada||226-235|| || ||