= Importing Ordnance Survey Vectors = The OS Mastermap vectors are in a GML format. To read them into most GIS systems they need to be converted first. There is a script which will convert the vectors into ESRI Shapefiles - GML2Shape.sh. This uses the ogr2ogr utility which comes with GDAL. ----- === Procedure === To convert the OS vectors, copy them off the DVD into a directory. Then run: `GML2Shape.sh ` where is a directory path where you want the shape files to go to (they will overwrite any files with the same name - suggest you use an empty directory called shapefiles in the gmlfiles directory) and is the directory path where the GML vectors have been copied to. Once converted, copy the original DVD contents and shapefiles over to the arsf/vectors/from_os/ directory, and create a symlink (named by project code) to the shapefile directory. Also make sure the vector request table on the wiki is updated and the licence expiry date noted.