Ticket #133: plotsmartsvsfodis.gpl

File plotsmartsvsfodis.gpl, 667 bytes (added by benj, 16 years ago)

Gnuplot script for generating graph output

1set autoscale
2#set log y
3set xr [300:1200]
4#set yr [0:20]
5set xlabel "Wavelength (nm)"
6set ylabel "(W/m2)"
7#set term x11
8set term png
9set output "/users/rsg/benj/scratch/smarts/SMARTS_295_Linux/fodis_test_var/fodis.png"
11plot "/users/rsg/benj/scratch/smarts/SMARTS_295_Linux/fodis_test_var/fodis_test.ext.txt" using 1:2 title 'SMARTS Solar spectrum' with lines, \
12    "/users/rsg/benj/scratch/smarts/SMARTS_295_Linux/fodis_test_var/fodis_test.ext.txt" using 1:3 title 'SMARTS Direct Normal Irradiance' with lines, \
13    "/users/rsg/benj/scratch/fodis_test/031_08_cloud_test/cali_fodis_spectrum.txt" using 1:($2*3.141/100000) title 'Caligeo FODIS spectrum' with lines