1 | 12 lines expected.. |
2 | |
3 | -------------------- |
4 | hdrs |
5 | |
6 | grep "GPS Starting poin" aisa_grep2.txt | grep "{5[12].*, -[01]" | grep -v " -1.[1-9]" | grep -v " {52.[2345678]" > likelies |
7 | |
8 | bands 252, samples 1024 |
9 | |
10 | |
11 | |
12 | |
13 | 4388749560-GPS Starting point = {52.051056, -0.969316} [247 bytes past ENVI start] |
14 | tail -c+4388749312 buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr-pmpc886 |head -n 547 |
15 | |
16 | 4388815096-GPS Starting point = {51.882381, -1.000942} |
17 | tail -c+4388814849 buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr-pmpc886 |head -n 547 |
18 | |
19 | 4388880632-GPS Starting point = {52.050510, -0.972757} |
20 | 4389994744-GPS Starting point = {51.880867, -0.999992} |
21 | 4390060280-GPS Starting point = {52.054996, -0.984509} |
22 | 4390125815-GPS Starting point = {51.890373, -1.036325} |
23 | 4394516726-GPS Starting point = {51.878212, -0.983243} |
24 | 121956598008-GPS Starting point = {51.957211, -1.068776} |
25 | 125367681272-GPS Starting point = {51.887985, -0.974128} |
26 | 129659568376-GPS Starting point = {52.054295, -0.956536} |
27 | 154562527480-GPS Starting point = {51.987915, -0.974253} |
28 | 154564690168-GPS Starting point = {52.026901, -0.830008} |
29 | |
30 | ------------------------ |
31 | images (scanned on band 19) |
32 | |
33 | images (scanned on band 160 odd) |
34 | |
35 | filename=/local0/data/arsf/buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr offset=2422038528 w=1024 bandno=19 bands=252 lines=722 |
36 | - farmland, dark |
37 | end after 4098834432 |
38 | tail -c +2439905281 buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr-pmpc886 | >head -c 1773821952 > /tmp/line1b.bil |
39 | matches eagle_header_file-121956597761.hdr |
40 | |
41 | in load_bil - filename=/local0/data/arsf/buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr offset=4098834432 w=1024 bandno=19 bands=252 lines=722 |
42 | - short snippet, unsure |
43 | range 4214267904 (+1 for tail -c o_O) -> 4388708351, 337 blocks (max frame count jump 50) |
44 | no matched eagle header.. |
45 | actually matches 143473574259-lines = 337 (20/feb/2007 line) |
46 | spotted another one |
47 | range 4394582016 (+1 for tail -c o_O) -> 8610054143, 8168 blocks of 516096 bytes (max frame count jump 200) |
48 | tail -c +4394582017 buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr-pmpc886 | head -c 4215472128 > /tmp/aline.bil |
49 | matches eagle_header_file-4388749312.hdr |
50 | |
51 | spotted another |
52 | stopped at offset 12186083328, run was 6829, jump (40594) was outside tolerance (200) |
53 | range 8610054144 (+1 for tail -c o_O) -> 12186083327, 6929 blocks of 516096 bytes (max frame count jump 200) |
54 | tail -c +8610054145 buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr-pmpc886 | head -c 3576029184 > /tmp/aline.bil |
55 | matches eagle_header_file-4388814849.hdr |
56 | |
57 | spotted another |
58 | stopped at offset 17083326464, run was 9107, jump (53943) was outside tolerance (200) |
59 | range 12186091520 (+1 for tail -c o_O) -> 17083326463, 9489 blocks of 516096 bytes (max frame count jump 200) |
60 | tail -c +12186091521 buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr-pmpc886 | head -c 4897234944 > /tmp/aline.bil |
61 | matches eagle_header_file-4388880385.hdr |
62 | |
63 | in load_bil - filename=/local0/data/arsf/buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr offset=23475142656 w=1024 bandno=19 bands=252 lines=722 |
64 | - buildings, dark |
65 | range 23452696576 (+1 for tail -c o_O) -> 26832609279, 6549 blocks of 516096 bytes (max frame count jump 200) |
66 | tail -c +23452696577 buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr-pmpc886 | head -c 3379912704 > /tmp/aline.bil |
67 | ?** ???? no idea, doesn't appear to match anything. By inspection, it seems to be about 7075 long and looks like farmland & buildings - definitely possible. |
68 | appears to be line 4 |
69 | eagle_header_file-4389994497.hdr |
70 | which claims to be 7270 lines, but the data isn't there to show that - definitely 7075 |
71 | -> tail -c +23452696577 buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr-pmpc886 | head -c 3651379200 > /tmp/aline.bil |
72 | edited header file to match |
73 | |
74 | in load_bil - filename=/local0/data/arsf/buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr offset=27015045120 w=1024 bandno=19 bands=252 lines=722 |
75 | - farmland |
76 | range 27104641024 (+1 for tail -c o_O) -> 31391334399, 8305 blocks of 516096 bytes (max frame count jump 200) |
77 | tail -c +27104641025 buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr-pmpc886 | head -c 4286177280 > /tmp/aline.bil |
78 | eagle_header_file-4390060033.hdr (actually 8306) |
79 | |
80 | in load_bil - filename=/local0/data/arsf/buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr offset=31300190208 w=1024 bandno=19 bands=252 lines=722 |
81 | range 31391350784 (+1 for tail -c o_O) -> 34867773439, 6736 blocks of 516096 bytes (max frame count jump 200) |
82 | tail -c +31391350785 buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr-pmpc886 | head -c 3476422656 > /tmp/aline.bil |
83 | eagle_header_file-4390125568.hdr |
84 | |
85 | in load_bil - filename=/local0/data/arsf/buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr offset=34840092672 w=1024 bandno=19 bands=252 lines=722 |
86 | - after 37075820544 = mess |
87 | stopped at offset 36948156416, run was 3956, jump (461) was outside tolerance (200) |
88 | range 34867773440 (+1 for tail -c o_O) -> 36948156415, 4031 blocks of 516096 bytes (max frame count jump 200) |
89 | tail -c +34867773441 buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr-pmpc886 | head -c 2080382976 > /tmp/aline.bil |
90 | ? ???? |
91 | visual match to line 1 |
92 | truncated - about half missing compared to ATM |
93 | no matching header file found (destroyed?) - manually recreated |
94 | no autodark |
95 | |
96 | various lower # bands & 512-wide images [junk] |
97 | |
98 | 60211511296 lower band, 1024-wide image |
99 | |
100 | darkness around 70... |
101 | |
102 | up to 73965330432 |
103 | |
104 | up to 104215748608 |
105 | procedure |
106 | - run gtviewer from this offset |
107 | - look for dark bits & images |
108 | - band scan with RMB |
109 | - push offset into quickscan in workspace below |
110 | - pray |
111 | |
112 | right res, differently banded file @ 118879584256 |
113 | |
114 | |
115 | (very dark thing was |
116 | range 121806520320 (+1 for tail -c o_O) -> 121931415551, 242 blocks of 516096 bytes (max frame count jump 200) |
117 | tail -c +121806520321 buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr-pmpc886 | head -c 124895232 > /tmp/aline.bil |
118 | three lines: |
119 | ? 121932349896-lines = 242 |
120 | 143493169523-lines = 242 |
121 | 143493431667-lines = 242 |
122 | ) |
123 | |
124 | in load_bil - filename=/local0/data/arsf/buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr offset=121847169024 w=1024 bandno=19 bands=252 lines=722 |
125 | - something around here, very dark, started a bit earlier |
126 | range 121956663296 (+1 for tail -c o_O) -> 125367541759, 6609 blocks of 516096 bytes (max frame count jump 200) |
127 | tail -c +121956663297 buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr-pmpc886 | head -c 3410878464 > /tmp/aline.bil |
128 | eagle_header_file-125367681025.hdr |
129 | |
130 | in load_bil - filename=/local0/data/arsf/buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr offset=125200760832 w=1024 bandno=19 bands=252 lines=722 |
131 | range 125367746560 (+1 for tail -c o_O) -> 129622441983, 8244 blocks of 516096 bytes (max frame count jump 200) |
132 | tail -c +125367746561 buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr-pmpc886 | head -c 4254695424 > /tmp/aline.bil |
133 | ? |
134 | guessed it was actually longer (8315) to match eagle_header_file-129659568129.hdr |
135 | tail -c +125367746561 buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr-pmpc886 | head -c 4291338240 > /tmp/aline.bil |
136 | worked :) |
137 | |
138 | |
139 | in load_bil - filename=/local0/data/arsf/buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr offset=129672216576 w=1024 bandno=19 bands=252 lines=722 |
140 | - funny square lake (reservoir?) |
141 | range 129659633664 (+1 for tail -c o_O) -> 133319270399, 7091 blocks of 516096 bytes (max frame count jump 200) |
142 | tail -c +129659633665 buckingham_disk_dup.raw-DO_NOT_DELETE-ask_mggr-pmpc886 | head -c 3659636736 > /tmp/aline.bil |
143 | matches a line 158032200084-lines = 7091 (23/3/2006) |
144 | X |
145 | looks likely to be line8 of buckingham |
146 | confirmed, though truncated |
147 | edited matching header file (eagle_header_file-4394516479.hdr) |
148 | |
149 | up to 163953377280 |
150 | |
151 | many differently banded or different resolution flights |
152 | |
153 | some distractions.. but just as likely to have missed joined flights earlier |
154 | |
155 | up to 259903365120 |
156 | |
157 | up to 282819575808 |
158 | |
159 | end |
160 | |
161 | |
162 | |