Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (340 - 342 of 432)


This project has no applanix due to failure in the applanic card on that day.


This project was processed by Ivana and re-attempted reprocessed to eleminate the white lines. Using the new up-to-date version of qcdisplay most of the lines crashed when enquiring the frame number of the white line. Refering to older version of qcdisplay, this bug does not happen. Action: Mike need to report this bug to Bill to fix it


Data arrived via DVD.

This dataset is a test of concept for a later flight in the year. BGS commissioned this flight to see if they could see CO2 leaking from covered containers, with a view to detecting sequestered CO2 leakage from mines.

Process as a high priority job (obviously, we're blocked until we have calibration).

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.