Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (358 - 360 of 432)


With the recent acquisitions of the first FODIS data, we attempted to process some using azspec and appear to have a problem. By comparison with the solar spectrum ( and a Caligeo processing of the same line, there is a clear discrepancy. Image below shows a worst case selection of the azspec FODIS output.

relevant part of processing log:

azspec  -- ver: 1.1.7 Apr  3 2008   (C) Azimuth Systems UK 2005, 2007

Raw file header: eagle/VNIRsecloudtest-1.hdr
Raw file       : eagle/VNIRsecloudtest-1.raw
Dark frames at end of image file, 152 frames starting at: 3932
Image lines corrected from: 4083  to 3931
Using Tr multiplier from spectral binning[2]:  1.00  fsmscale is now: 0.000100  Tr: 0.002000  integ: 20.0
Optics from basic details and binning port fov: 16.129  full fov: 34.688 corr oa: 512.00 scpixels: 953
image file frame count  start: 60092  end: 64047  total lines: 3955 file lines: 3931

Dark frames at end of raw file: 152  darks to be used: 50

Dark frames used:  49.0   scale: 0.02041
Radcal file header: calibration/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB.hdr
Radcal file       : calibration/eagle/
Config file       : calibration/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB.cfg

Using HDF file: lev1/eJJJ011b_gpt0.0.hdf
HDFStart  fov: 34.7 fovp: 16.1 scpixels: 953

New BIL  bands: 252 pix: 953 lines: 3955
   HDF image data: CAimage  bands: 252 pixels: 953 lines: 3955
   FODIS (ILS) bands: 252 pixels: 1 lines: 3955
2 frame(s) missing from: 60094  to 60097 line: 2 cline: 3
2 frame(s) missing from: 60098  to 60101 line: 6 cline: 5
2 frame(s) missing from: 60102  to 60105 line: 10 cline: 7
1 frame(s) missing from: 60112  to 60114 line: 20 cline: 15
1 frame(s) missing from: 60115  to 60117 line: 23 cline: 17
3 frame(s) missing from: 60118  to 60122 line: 26 cline: 19
2 frame(s) missing from: 60126  to 60129 line: 34 cline: 24
1 frame(s) missing from: 60130  to 60132 line: 38 cline: 26
2 frame(s) missing from: 60133  to 60136 line: 41 cline: 28
2 frame(s) missing from: 60138  to 60141 line: 46 cline: 31
2 frame(s) missing from: 60142  to 60145 line: 50 cline: 33
2 frame(s) missing from: 60146  to 60149 line: 54 cline: 35
1 frame(s) missing from: 60157  to 60159 line: 65 cline: 44
2 frame(s) missing from: 60964  to 60967 line: 872 cline: 850
**FrameProcess - HDF write error for ILS line: 3955
SpecNavProc gotsync: 0  synclater: 1

Nav syncstart from image file header of: 49107.62500 gps secs of day
sync entries set for later use
    start frame: 0 end: 3954
    start frame time: 49107.624900  frame time increment: 0.033333 secs

writing new NAV vgroup

Processing summary...

  data from   : AISA HS Instrument, SW ver 2.800
  sensor ID   : 100022
  lens FOV    : 34.69 degs
  raw file    : eagle/VNIRsecloudtest-1.raw
  BIL lines   : 3931  available
  acq date    : 31/01/2008  day: 31
  rec times   : start: 13:38:27.62  end: 13:40:45.19
  binning     : 2  spectral  1 spatial
  integration : 20.00  msecs
  frame rate  : 30.00  fps
  radiance sc : 1000.000
  HDF file    : lev1/eJJJ011b_gpt0.0.hdf
  Image data  :  pix: 72 to 1024  saved to HDF-SDS item: CAimage
  FODIS (ILS) :  pix: 28 to 32 saved to HDF-SDS item: CAils
  pixels      : 1024
  bands       :  252  re-ordered blue to red
  image lines : 3955  frameIDs at line (0): 60092 and line (3954): 64047

Processing applied...

  frame shift smear correction, line shift scale: 0.00010
  dark frame subtraction, lines averaged: 50  dark frames from raw file
  radiometric calibration using file: calibration/eagle/
  ** total pixels overflowed after calibration: 556
  FODIS averaged
  ** no FODIS ratio applied

Processing times  : calibration: 64.2 total: 237.6  secs

halting after azspec (no need to do the rest)

Sent a copy of the Caligeo and azspec processed files, the raw data and the script to Bill, with a brief explanatory note.


Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/in_progress/2008/flight_data/uk/UR08_01-2008_140_Black_Venn

Data arrived from ARSF via SATA disk transfer 28th May 2008. (Initially downloaded from ARSF Friday 23rd May 2008)

PI: Stuart Marsh

Urgent processing request.


  • ATM (delivered 17th June 2008)
  • Eagle (delivered 17th June 2008)
  • Hawk (delivered 17th June 2008)




Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/in_progress/2008/flight_data/arsf_internal_projects/pre_lidar_cal-2008_016

Data arrived from ARSF via initial SATA disk transfer in March.

Scientific details:

PI: Internal project


  • ATM



Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.