Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (364 - 366 of 432)



I've processed all my ATM data and converted it to Geotiff format at 4m resolution.  The results look really good.  Is it possible for me to phone at some point today for a quick discussion about further processing options e.g. are there coefficients to convert band 11 into temperature etc.?  What is the telephone number?

Karl reports that if he geocorrects his data using azgcorr, any ENVI header file generated (either automatically because the file size went over the HDF limit, or manually using azexhdf -Be) reports the projection as UTM zone 30. I have duplicated the problem using one of the boresight flights, will contact Bill about it.


Using the -mTMS flag in azgcorr to denote southern-hemisphere processing causes either a segfault or north-south inverted results. Have had a couple of potential fixes exchanged with Bill (not quite right yet though), raising this mostly to go with the work order.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.