Custom Query (432 matches)


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to reproduce load several flight lines that will not fit within the given cache. these will load normally with the ram usage being capped at the cache limit. when the image is first drawn the amount of ram being used by the program will increase. This increase seems to be linked to the size of the flight lines. subsequent redraws increase the ram usage slightly but i think this is the same problem being caused by drawing areas that were in cache the first time but now have to be loaded.

once each part of the image has been drawn and loaded out of secondary memory once the increase stops. This at first seems to point to a problem in the caching code and therefore i have used my test bed to perform unit tests on the quadtree and caching classes. These tests showed that without the gui loading and then pulling points out of uncached buckets has no effect on the ram usage of the program.

so far the only theory is that it is caused by an overflow from the graphics card ram.


To be able to draw fences in the main window which aren't orthogonal rectangles, i.e. are slanted to the left or right.


Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2010/flight_data/arsf_internal/boresight_2009-252a_little_riss

Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 1st March 2010

Scientific objective: boresight

Priority: boresight

PI: internal

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.