Custom Query (432 matches)


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If you create a Geotiff using ENVI (for example of a DEM) and then try and load that Geotiff into the Geotiff viewer, the viewer crashes with no error message (just produces a Bugzilla window).


Peter Land suggested altering azgcorr to allow L1 files to be opened read-only. Currently they are opened read-write, which causes problems if they are on / were copied from read-only media.


Current TIFF formats are limited to 2GB, which is an issue with the Eagle & Hawk - large numbers of bands can easily exceed this limit.

Bill says that ERDAS 9.2 supports BigTIFF (and perhaps big geotiffs as a result?). It'd be good to find out the extent of the support and perhaps implement BigTIFF support in azexhdf.

This ticket is to track the issue for now. At some point we may want to take action on it.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.