Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (322 - 324 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#304 duplicate File appears black when opened harg benj

If you open /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2009/flight_data/uk/UR09_01-2009_327_Flood_Cumbria/delivery/20100107/UR09_01/ascii_laser/LDR-UR09_01-200932701.txt in LAG, it doesn't produce an error but comes up blank. If you alter the point size it then comes back, but is apparently not the same problem as what happens if there's a point a long wway out of bounds.

#305 fixed select point show info harg chrfi

this is a request for the ability to click on a point in the main window or in the profile window and a pop up box to appear listing all the recorded data. this will allow the user to see the exact values rather than the slightly fuzzier graphically interpretations of these values.

the feature will display the closet point when several fall in the same location (so from the top down view this is the highest point)

#309 fixed button to restore profile window harg chrfi

we really need a button that reopens the profile window. At present if the window is closed the program keeps running but there is no way to get the window back again. this means if the user closes it they will have to restart lag (and incur large loading times).

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.