Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (337 - 339 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#327 fixed distance and colour scales emca chrfi

it would be good to add a scale for the distance on screen and the colour by height to lag. prefereably these would be in the main viewing window in one corner floating above the opengl drawn flight line.

they need to be togglable and easy to read against the black background and most of the colours the flightlines can be.

#328 fixed user controled height colouring emca chrfi

it has become clear that trying to automatically remove high and low out liers from the colour generation is hard and complex. therefore a better method is to allow the user to control the height range the program uses when generating colours. anything above or below this height range is defaulted to the max or min value. this allows the user to remove outliers and also choose which height cross section they want to focus on (giving them higher colour resolution in the smaller height range)

preferable a pop out window, very small, with a couple of arrow buttons and text feild. the value is capped to the highest and lowest values and the max and min can be changed indipendantly (don't forget to prevent them making the min higher than the max)

#332 fixed CEH07/04, flight day 102a/2010, Hellifield emca benj

Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2010/flight_data/uk/CEH07_04-2010_102a_Hellifield

Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 12th April 2010.

Scientific objective: Unknown (can't find application)

Priority: a4 - process hyperspectral as a3

PI: Andrew Wilson (& CEH Lancaster)

Collected as a single collection with day 102b (Moorhouse, #333) - information on the same logsheet, combined nav data, etc. Have split into two separate collections for processing.


  • Eagle
  • Hawk
  • Leica LIDAR (08/10/2010)
  • Camera (01/09/2010)
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