Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (382 - 384 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#558 fixed MA14/21, flight day 296/2014, Sepilok dap

Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2014/flight_data/malaysia/MA14_21-2014_296_Sepilok

Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 05/01/2015.

Scientific objective: Quantifying the accuracy of current estimates of forest biomass by combining data retrieved from state-of-the-art ground-based laser scanner with airborne data.

PI: Mathias Disney

All Fenix header files have large differences between their fps_set and fps_qpf values (differences are between 0.278 and 0.673).

Basestation data are in DBX format.

OWL data were not collected.


  • Fenix (requested)
  • LiDAR (requested)
  • FW LiDAR (requested)
  • RCD (not requested)
#559 fixed MA14/14, flight day 309/2014, Sepilok benj dap

Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2014/flight_data/malaysia/MA14_14-2014_309_Sepilok

Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 05/01/2015.

Scientific objective: Unknown

Priority: Currently unfunded

PI: David Burslem

The following Fenix header files have large differences between their fps_set and fps_qpf values:

  • FENIX309-14-15.hdr (0.379)
  • FENIX309-14-18.hdr (0.437)
  • FENIX309-14-19.hdr (0.420)
  • FENIX309-14-25.hdr (0.275)
  • FENIX309-14-26.hdr (0.394)


  • Fenix (requested)
  • LiDAR (delivered 12/05/2015)
  • FW LiDAR (delivered 12/05/2015)
  • RCD (requested)
#560 fixed MA14/10, flight day 316/2014, Berkelah Forest Reserve dap

Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2014/flight_data/malaysia/MA14_10-2014_316_Berkelah

Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 05/01/2015.

Scientific objective: To increase knowledge of disturbance and regeneration in tropical forests to support sustainable forest management.

Priority: Unknown

PI: Alan Blackburn

PI is happy to receive data by network transfer, USB hard disk or DVD.


  • Fenix (requested)
  • LiDAR (requested)
  • FW LiDAR (requested)

RCD images were requested but could not be collected due to an instrument failure.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.