Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (385 - 387 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#632 fixed CEH18/16, flight day 177b/2018, Monks Wood dac

Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2018/flight_data/uk/CEH18_16-2018_177b_Monks_Wood

Data arrived from NERC-ARF hard drive on 13/07/2018

Scientific objective: Flight over Monks Wood

Priority: Unknown

PI: France Gerard BAS Project Code: C016

The following issues were identified during unpacking

  • Owl data missing GPS start time.


  • Fenix (flown, required)
  • OWL (not flown, required)
  • Phase One (flown, required)
#634 fixed GB18/106, flight day 184a/2018, Wytham Wood dac

Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2018/flight_data/uk/GB18_106-2018_184a_Wytham_Woods

Data arrived from NERC-ARF via hard drive on 13/07/2018

Scientific objective: Validation of the operational and user-generated vegetation products derived from the optical instruments on-board Sentinel-2 and -3

PI: Jadunandan Dash BAS Project Code: D106

Issues from unpacking scripts:

  • One owl line contained no headers, wasn't part of survey so removed
  • Owl capture data don't contain dark frames


  • Fenix (requested, flown)
  • OWL (not requested, flown)
  • Phase One (not requested, flown)
#635 fixed GB18/56, flight day 184b/2018, Harwell dac

Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2018/flight_data/uk/GB18_56-2018_184b_Harwell

Data arrived from NERC-ARF hard drive on 13/07/2018

Scientific objective: Investigate well-defined local methane emission sources in the UK to apply and evaluate the hyperspectral processing method currently developed at the University of Leicester.

PI: Hartmut Boesch BAS Project Code: D056

Issues identified from unpacking checks:

  • Owl capture data missing dark frames


  • Fenix (requested, flown)
  • OWL (requested, flown)
  • Phase One (not requested, flown)
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.