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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#47 fixed GB2004/19, flight day 102b/2007, Nigg Bay mggr mggr

Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/in_progress/2007/flight_data/uk/GB2004_19-2007_102b_Nigg_Bay

Data arrived from ARSF via initial SATA disk transfer in June.

Scientific details: (details of 2004 applications not available at PML)

PI: Sandra Winterbottom


  • ATM (delivered 30/Apr/08)
  • Eagle (delivered 27/Mar/08)
  • Hawk (delivered 30/Apr/08)
#46 fixed Investigate PARGE mggr mggr

Apparently this has GCP based boresight calibration estimation.

ARSF have a license - see if we can get a copy..

#45 wontfix Import flight schedule info into wiki mggr mggr

Create tickets for flight data collection or processing as appropriate (follow Procedures/NewDataArrival for processing tickets, collection ticket templates tbd). Update status pages as needed.

Here's the info Gary sent me:

GB07/07	Tim Malthus	Inverclyde (spring)	Data collected 102a
GB04/19	Sandra Winterbottom	Nigg Bay	Data collected 102b
GB07/05	Andrew Tyler	Loch Leven (spring)	Data collected 103abc
GB05/02	Alejandro Souza	Dee Estuary	Data collected 109a
GB07/05	Andrew Tyler	Estwaithe W (spring)	Data collected 116a
GB07/05	Andrew Tyler	Windemere (spring)	Data collected 116a
BGS07/02	Stuart Marsh	Keyworth	Data collected 172
GB07/07	Tim Malthus	Inverclyde (early summer)	Data collected 191a
GB07/06	Doreen Boyd	Dorchester	Data collected 192a
GB07/06	Doreen Boyd	New Forest	Data collected 192b
CEH07/06	Andrew Wilson	Worcestershire	Data collected 192c
GB07/05	Andrew Wilson	Wytham Wood	Data collected 73
GB05/07	Paul Bates	Upper Severn	Data collection current
GB05/07	Paul Bates	Lower Severn	Data collection current
GB06/07	Tim Malthus	Silver Flowe (spring)	Missed due to poor weather
GB06/07	Tim Malthus	Munsary Peatlands (spring)	Missed due to poor weather
GB07/05	Andrew Tyler	Loch Leven (early summer)	Missed due to poor weather
GB07/05	Andrew Tyler	Estwaithe W (early summer)	Missed due to poor weather
GB07/05	Andrew Tyler	Windemere (early summer)	Missed due to poor weather
HY05/07	Julia McMorrow	Longdenda	Reflight pending
CEH07/01	Andrew Wilson	Hillesdon	
CEH07/02	Andrew Wilson	Stanlow	
CEH07/03	Andrew Wilson	Sailsbury Plain	
CEH07/04	Andrew Wilson	Morehouse/Ribblehead/Hellifield	
GB01/12	Anthony Cooper	Ripon	
GB01/12	Anthony Cooper	Ripon	
GB03/01	Jim Williams	Fiskerton-Barlings	
GB04/07	David Gilvear	River Tummel	
GB05/03	Mat Disney	Harwood Forest (1)	
GB05/03	Mat Disney	Harwood Forest (2)	
GB05/07	Paul Bates	Upper Thames	
GB05/07	Paul Bates	Stour	
GB05/13	Peter Land	Plymouth Sound	
GB06/02	Tom Spencer	Freiston Shore	
GB06/05	Tim Malthus	Clocaenog F	
GB06/05	Tim Malthus	Glasfynydd F	
GB06/07	Tim Malthus	Silver Flowe (summer)	
GB06/07	Tim Malthus	Munsary Peatlands (summer)	
GB06/07	Tim Malthus	Silver Flowe (autumn)	
GB06/07	Tim Malthus	Munsary Peatlands (autumn)	
GB06/08	Claire Flemming	Weardale	
GB07/03	Gemma Bell	Multi-Wales 1-4	
GB07/04	Peter Halkon	Hayton	
GB07/05	Andrew Tyler	Loch Leven (late summer)	
GB07/05	Andrew Tyler	Estwaithe W (late summer)	
GB07/05	Andrew Tyler	Windemere (late summer)	
GB07/05	Andrew Tyler	Loch Leven (autumn)	
GB07/05	Andrew Tyler	Estwaithe W (autumn)	
GB07/05	Andrew Tyler	Windemere (autumn)	
GB07/05	Andrew Wilson	Wytham Wood (1)	
GB07/05	Andrew Wilson	Wytham Wood (2)	
GB07/05	Wilson	Wytham Wood (3)	
GB07/07	Tim Malthus	Inverclyde (late summer)	
GB07/12	Wilson	Peak District	
HY05/02	Graham Ferrier (Flemming)	East Ayrshire	
HY05/04	Wilson	Pitsea/Thameshaven	
HY05/06	Mark Culter	Glenogil	

These two will have to be better identified before they are included
This job uses the AIMMS-20 atmospheric suite of instuments			
GB07/01	Geraint Vaughhan	Caple Dewy (1)	
GB07/01	Geraint Vaughhan	Caple Dewy (2)	
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.