Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (391 - 393 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#33 fixed BGS2007/02, flight day 172/2007 mggr mggr

Data arrived via DVD.

This dataset is a test of concept for a later flight in the year. BGS commissioned this flight to see if they could see CO2 leaking from covered containers, with a view to detecting sequestered CO2 leakage from mines.

Process as a high priority job (obviously, we're blocked until we have calibration).

#453 fixed BGS12/01, flight day 251/2012, Merthyr knpa

Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2012/flight_data/uk/BGS12_01-2012_251_Merthyr

Data arrived from ARSF via SATA disk on 24/09/2012

BGS12/01 Scientific objective: unknown

BGS12/01 Priority: ?

PI: Colm Jordan

Notes: This flight has FW Lidar.


Camera (05/12/2012) Eagle (05/12/2012) Hawk (05/12/2012) LiDAR (05/12/2012) FW LiDAR

#527 fixed BGS12/01, flight day 163c/2014, Merthyr benj knpa

Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2014/flight_data/uk/BGS12_01-2014_163c_Merthyr/

Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 13/06/2014

BGS12/01 Scientific objective: unknown

BGS12/01 Priority: 8

PI: Colm Jordan


Camera (22/10/2014), Archvied 13/05/2015 LiDAR (22/10/2014), Archvied 13/05/2015 FW LiDAR (22/10/2014), Archvied 13/05/2015

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.