Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (406 - 408 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#199 fixed Unable to re-interpolate nav on old level 1 HDF files benj benj

Attempting to re-interpolate the nav/scan timing on CASI data for flight 97/14 using aznav, the program seems to edit the HDF files correctly but then doesn't release the file lock (gives error "There are still open AIDs" on closing). Everything seems fine but then it causes azgcorr to hang part-way through. It is believed this is because the old data is HDF 3.3 format (rather than HDF 4) and there are compatibility problems.

#23 fixed Update ARSF ftp site gaew mggr

Need modern versions of azgcorr & azexhdf on there, plus login details for people to download with.

Gary is handling creating the accounts and will notify us when they're ready.

#13 fixed Updates to ARSF website gaew mggr

Carl has said he can do something about this, but we (Steve ;) ) probably need to make a formal emailed request. The main reason is to update the data processing pages so the contact details and software versions are correct.

Particular pages that need updating:

  • Contacts page
  • Data subpages
    • Processing schedule - remove? point to PML? PML to update?
    • Processing software - content fine, but azgcorr & azexhdf links out of date, move this somewhere else or ensure we know who to tell to update it?
    • FTP site - instructions fine, contact needs updating (to who?), FTP site may need maintaining by someone (Amer can do this?)
  • Operations
    • flowchart - might need an update, but not important
    • flying schedule - this is for 2005, remove?
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