Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (412 - 414 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#273 fixed EU09/06, flight day 224b/2009, Vatna_01H asm mark1

Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2009/flight_data/other/EU09_06-2009_224b_Vatna_01H

Data arrived from ARSF via SATA disk L on 7th October 2009.

Scientific objective:Glacier response to a changing climate in southern Iceland

Priority: alpha-4-medium

PI: David Graham


  • Eagle (13/05/2010)
  • Leica LIDAR (13/05/2010)
#16 fixed 157-wm06-09, Sinard, 6.6.2006 anee amro

This project was flown at night ( thermal) and has no raw data at all. Daphne and all ARSF PCs were searched for any data for this project but no trace was found. In the last meeting Carl said he will find out whether they have it on tape or somewhere else.

(see below for the discovery of this dataset)

#20 fixed CD covers and CD label anee mggr

Need to create these (base on Ivana's if you can find them).

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.