Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (415 - 417 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#76 fixed Arrange availability of NextMap DEMs for 2008 data distribution mggr mggr

Arrange this with Victoria @ NEODC. Probably all that needs doing is ensuring that PIs are signed up for NextMap at NEODC. Verify this is the case and that it's ok to distribute DEMs to them then.

#112 wontfix Add BigTIFF support to azexhdf mggr mggr

Current TIFF formats are limited to 2GB, which is an issue with the Eagle & Hawk - large numbers of bands can easily exceed this limit.

Bill says that ERDAS 9.2 supports BigTIFF (and perhaps big geotiffs as a result?). It'd be good to find out the extent of the support and perhaps implement BigTIFF support in azexhdf.

This ticket is to track the issue for now. At some point we may want to take action on it.

#173 fixed Acquire extra info about Specim instruments mggr mggr

Some info we're missing with regard to the Specim instruments:

  • datasheets for the specific CCDs used (so we know the behaviour and characteristics of the CCD, particularly in regard to overflow handling and smear correction)
  • per pixel FOV
  • CCD response curves (per pixel? or from datasheet)

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