Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#86 fixed Azatm always reports scan rate as 50.0 when processing benj benj

When running azatm on atm output, scan rate is always reported as 50.0 irrespective of what the actual scan rate is.

#87 fixed Aznav omits initial 0 on grid references starting with 0 benj benj

As title - if aznav processes a line that starts or ends on a grid reference where one component starts with 0 (eg NZ 0429 9739 - Harwood line 6 end), on display it omits the initial zero and displays a three-digit number instead of a four-digit number (eg NZ 429 9739). This can be confusing, though it appears to process correctly.

#88 fixed Restricting level 1 processing by scan line causes error mggr anee

The use of -l in azspec produces a blank image if anything than a start line of 0 is used. The end line number does seem to produce the correct effect however.

Same problem also occurs in azatm (causes errors saying "scan jump from: 0 to 191119 scan : 191119 rejected"). Same option in azcas2 seems to work correctly.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.