Custom Query (432 matches)
Results (67 - 69 of 432)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#537 | fixed | RG13/08, AIRSAR, flight day 175b/2014, Wytham Woods | benj | knpa |
Description |
Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2014/flight_data/uk/RG13_08-2014_175b_Wytham_Woods_Plus_Airsar/ Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 25/06/2014 RG13/08 Scientific objective: RG13/08 RG13/08 Priority: 8? AIRSAR Scientific objective: unknown AIRSAR Priority: ? PI: David Coomes Notes: Fenix line 4 raw is tiny and looks like line failed. Lines 1,3,6 have slightly higher than usual difference between fps_set and fps_qpf (over 0.25 but under 1). Line 4 has a crazy fps_qpf value. Raw fenix 5 is not a proper flightline - don't processs this. There is FW. Sensors:Fenix (11/11/2014) LiDAR (11/11/2014) FW LiDAR (11/11/2014) RCD (11/11/2014) |
#556 | fixed | RG13/06, flight day 303/2014, Maliau Basin | dap | |
Description |
Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2014/flight_data/malaysia/RG13_06-2014_303_Maliau_Basin Data arrived by network transfer on 17/12/2014. Scientific objective: Investigating the impact of humans on tropical forests. Priority: alpha 5 PI: David Coomes Full waveform LiDAR data are present. Owl data are present, but proj_tidy suggests that not enough dark frames were collected for header file *0207.hdr (82 were collected). Sensors:
Duplicate linesProcess only one for Fenix and RCD - check for which has least cloud cover, failing that choose closest to local noon
#554 | fixed | RG13/06, flight day 302a/2014, Maliau Basin | dap | |
Description |
Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2014/flight_data/malaysia/RG13_06-2014_302a_Maliau_Basin Data arrived from network transfer on 17/12/2014. Scientific objective: Investigating the impact of humans on tropical forests. Priority: alpha 5 PI: David Coomes Owl data present RCD crashed and so there are no RCD images. This flight's data files were merged with those from flight 302b (i.e. put in the same project directory) when received from ARSF operations. Because of this, these flights share the same navigation data (posatt/ipas20/raw). These should be split during processing or the same sol file should be used for both flights. Sensors:
Duplicate linesProcess only one for Fenix and RCD - check for which has least cloud cover, failing that choose closest to local noon