Custom Query (432 matches)
Results (76 - 78 of 432)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#537 | fixed | RG13/08, AIRSAR, flight day 175b/2014, Wytham Woods | benj | knpa |
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Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2014/flight_data/uk/RG13_08-2014_175b_Wytham_Woods_Plus_Airsar/ Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 25/06/2014 RG13/08 Scientific objective: RG13/08 RG13/08 Priority: 8? AIRSAR Scientific objective: unknown AIRSAR Priority: ? PI: David Coomes Notes: Fenix line 4 raw is tiny and looks like line failed. Lines 1,3,6 have slightly higher than usual difference between fps_set and fps_qpf (over 0.25 but under 1). Line 4 has a crazy fps_qpf value. Raw fenix 5 is not a proper flightline - don't processs this. There is FW. Sensors:Fenix (11/11/2014) LiDAR (11/11/2014) FW LiDAR (11/11/2014) RCD (11/11/2014) |
#559 | fixed | MA14/14, flight day 309/2014, Sepilok | benj | dap |
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Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2014/flight_data/malaysia/MA14_14-2014_309_Sepilok Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 05/01/2015. Scientific objective: Unknown Priority: Currently unfunded PI: David Burslem The following Fenix header files have large differences between their fps_set and fps_qpf values:
#224 | fixed | Reprocessing: WM06/04, Mark Danson | chrfi | benj |
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Mark Danson has requested his Eagle and Hawk data from WM06/04 (Madrid, 2006 days 136 and 154) be reprocessed as previously offered. Email from Mark: Gary On another point there was an offer some time ago to reprocess ARSF Eagle and Hawk data from the Spanish Campaign in 2006. Having now looked at these data and struggled to get sensible radiometric information it would be useful to take up that offer - is it still open and how should I proceed? Thanks and hope all is well Mark Reply from Gary: Hello Mark, The offer is still open, we are very happy to re-processing of the Eagle and Hawk data from the Spanish campaign in 2006 (WM06/04; Madrid, 2006-136 & 2006-154). However, re-processing these data will be after the final block of data from the end of 2008 are processed. We will keep you informed of developments. Best wishes Gary |