Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#332 fixed CEH07/04, flight day 102a/2010, Hellifield emca benj

Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2010/flight_data/uk/CEH07_04-2010_102a_Hellifield

Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 12th April 2010.

Scientific objective: Unknown (can't find application)

Priority: a4 - process hyperspectral as a3

PI: Andrew Wilson (& CEH Lancaster)

Collected as a single collection with day 102b (Moorhouse, #333) - information on the same logsheet, combined nav data, etc. Have split into two separate collections for processing.


  • Eagle
  • Hawk
  • Leica LIDAR (08/10/2010)
  • Camera (01/09/2010)
#334 fixed colour by height cross section scroll emca chrfi

it is currently possible to manually set the minimum and maximum for the colour by height range. it would be nice if it was possible once a certain height range is picked to be able to scroll this range up and down (essentially incrementing the min and max at the same time with a single option) (plus it looks like a cat scan :) ... or is it mri )

#370 fixed EU10/03, flight day 233a/2010, Lake Balaton East Area D emca knpa

Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2010/flight_data/archive-overflow/EU10_03-2010_233a_Lake_Balaton_East_Area_D

Data arrived from ARSF via SATA disk Q on 15/09/10.

Scientific objective: Lake Balaton provides an ideal area for testing emerging algorithms on retrieval of in-water constituents and on mapping bloom-forming cyanobacteria using in-situ radiometric, airborne and satellite data.

Priority: a5 *note: lidar is low priority for this project*

PI: A. Tyler


  • Eagle (20/10/2010)
  • Hawk (28/01/2011)
  • Leica LIDAR (Requested but low priority)
  • RCD (20/10/2010)
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.