Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#13 fixed Updates to ARSF website gaew mggr

Carl has said he can do something about this, but we (Steve ;) ) probably need to make a formal emailed request. The main reason is to update the data processing pages so the contact details and software versions are correct.

Particular pages that need updating:

  • Contacts page
  • Data subpages
    • Processing schedule - remove? point to PML? PML to update?
    • Processing software - content fine, but azgcorr & azexhdf links out of date, move this somewhere else or ensure we know who to tell to update it?
    • FTP site - instructions fine, contact needs updating (to who?), FTP site may need maintaining by someone (Amer can do this?)
  • Operations
    • flowchart - might need an update, but not important
    • flying schedule - this is for 2005, remove?
#23 fixed Update ARSF ftp site gaew mggr

Need modern versions of azgcorr & azexhdf on there, plus login details for people to download with.

Gary is handling creating the accounts and will notify us when they're ready.

#40 wontfix IPY2007/01 gaew mggr

Part of IPY (International Polar Year) campaign. Gary to fill in later.

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