Custom Query (432 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#667 duplicate SwathS, flight day 200/2021, Alconbury (Boresight) dac dac

Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2021/flight_data/SwathS-2021_200_Alconbury_boresight

Data arrived from Kings College London via FTP on July 20th 2021

Scientific objective: Joint NASA and ESA campaign flying JPL’s HyTES thermal instrument over sites in Europe with a focus on crops and soil.

PI: Martin Wooster

#15 wontfix GB05-13, 180, Plymouth, 29.06.2006 amro amro

This project has no Applanix data. ARSF was contacted and they advice us to contact Plymouth university to find out whether they have a base station data for that date or not. Peter Land ( PI) was asked to chase this down ( he agreed).

#17 wontfix 184-GB06-09, Isle of Wight, 3/7/2006 mggr amro

This project has no applanix due to failure in the applanic card on that day.

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