Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (13 - 15 of 432)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#18 fixed 144-wm06-13- Rio Tinto 24.6.2006 amro amro

Casi Line one has got a problem error message is : line 164: 19567 Floating point exceptionazcaschk2 ${V} -fn 2 -fA -s -t ${SYTOFF} ${CSYNC} -gNOVA -h ${P_HDF1} -f ${P_SCA}

#21 fixed Support: 05/May/2007, John McArthur, ? amro amro
   Our SUN SOLARIS workstations have finally given up the ghost, and died on us.  I've since arranged with our IT section for a Linux based platform running 'uhbunto'. 

        I downloded an 'arcgcorr' file from your site   Yet I get the following error message.

        jnm1@d201241: ~/Desktop/test1 jnm1@d201241:~/Desktop/test1$ ./azgcorr

azgcorr  -- ver: 4.5.9-lin Jan 12 2006   (C) Azimuth Systems UK 1996, 2006


 TO:  Jun   using system  d201241  with serial number bfb4faa0

 ***  Warning: the licensed period of this program  ***
 ***  ended on:       -900/00/2007     please contact ***
 ***  NERC-ARSF for an update and more details.     ***
 ***      (C) Azimuth Systems UK 1996, 2005         ***

        Is there another version I can tryout on my Linux box?   
 Hi Peter,
                Sorry to bother you, but I'd sent an e-mail to Ivana, and I've received an e-mail saying undeliverable.

        Could you possibly forward my request below to whomsover is responsible for the 'azgcorr' convertion software.

        Thanking you,
                John McArthur. 
#30 fixed 138-2006-San Marcos mggr amro

This project was processed by Ivana and re-attempted reprocessed to eleminate the white lines. Using the new up-to-date version of qcdisplay most of the lines crashed when enquiring the frame number of the white line. Refering to older version of qcdisplay, this bug does not happen. Action: Mike need to report this bug to Bill to fix it

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