Custom Query (432 matches)
Results (175 - 177 of 432)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#120 | fixed | GB07/04, flight day 044/2008, Hayton | mark1 | mark1 |
Description |
Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/in_progress/2008/flight_data/uk/GB07_04-2008_044_Hayton Data arrived from ARSF via initial SATA disk transfer in March. Scientific details: See ~arsf/arsf_data/in_progress/2007/ARSF_Applications-GB_2007/GB07-04_* PI: P. Halcon Sensors:
#254 | fixed | GB07/07, flight day 191/2009, Inverclyde | knpa | knpa |
Description |
Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2009/flight_data/uk/GB07_07-2009_191_Inverclyde Data arrived from ARSF via SATA disk on 17/7/09 Scientific objective: Effect on spectral reflectance by heather type and biophysical properties Priority: unknown PI: Tim Malthus Sensors:
#268 | fixed | GB07/07, flight day 277, Inverclyde | knpa | mark1 |
Description |
Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2009/flight_data/uk/GB07_07-2009_277_Inverclyde Data arrived from ARSF via SATA disk L on 7th October 2009. Scientific objective: Effect on spectral reflectance by heather type and biophysical properties Priority: alpha-4-High PI: Alasdair MacArthur Sensors: