Custom Query (432 matches)
Results (205 - 207 of 432)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#259 | fixed | EU09/06, flight day 222/2009, Vatna | knpa | knpa |
Description |
Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2009/flight_data/ipy/EU09_06-2009_222_Vatna Data arrived from ARSF via SATA disk Daphne03 on 24/8/09 Scientific objective: Recording glacial responses to climatic forcing Priority: Alpha 4-Medium PI: D. Graham Sensors:
#261 | fixed | IPY09/11, flight day 215/2009, Helheim | knpa | knpa |
Description |
Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2009/flight_data/ipy/IPY09_11-2009_215_Helheim Data arrived from ARSF via SATA disk Daphne03 on 24/08/09. Scientific objective: Ice thickness measurements to add to a record of two major glaciers and to create a high res DEM. Alpha 4-High PI: T. Murray Sensors:
#262 | fixed | IPY09/11, flight day 218/2009, Helheim | knpa | knpa |
Description |
Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2009/flight_data/ipy/IPY09_11-2009_218_Helheim Data arrived from ARSF via SATA disk Daphne03 on 24/08/09. Scientific objective: Ice thickness measurements to add to a record of two major glaciers and to create a high res DEM. Alpha 4-High PI: T. Murray Sensors: