Custom Query (432 matches)
Results (220 - 222 of 432)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#522 | fixed | GB12/05, flight day 152a/2014, Monks Wood | mark1 | knpa |
Description |
Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2014/flight_data/uk/GB12_05-2014_152a_Monks_Wood Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 02/06/2014 GB12/05 Scientific objective: unknown GB12/05 Priority: 8 PI: Ross Hill Sensors:Fenix (Requested), delivered 25/09/2014, Archvied 13/05/2015 LiDAR (Requested), delivered 29/10/2014, Archvied 13/05/2015 FW LiDAR (Requested but lower priority), Archvied 13/05/2015 RCD (Not requested?), delivered 17/11/2014, Archvied 13/05/2015 |
#523 | fixed | GB13/10, flight day 156/2014, Wytham Woods | benj | knpa |
Description |
Data location: /data/visuyan2/scratch/arsf/2014/flight_data/uk/GB13_10-2014_156_Wytham/ Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 05/06/2014 GB13/10 Scientific objective: unknown GB13/10 Priority: 8 PI: Anne Verhoef Notes: There is OWL data for this flight. There is FW LiDAR for this flight. Sensors:Camera (Requested but lower priority), delivered 21/08/2014, Archvied 13/05/2015 Fenix (Requested), delivered 21/08/2014, Archvied 13/05/2015 LiDAR (Requested), delivered 21/08/2014, Archvied 13/05/2015 FW LiDAR, delivered 21/08/2014 OWL |
#524 | fixed | RG12/09, flight day 159/2014, Wessex | knpa | |
Description |
Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2014/flight_data/uk/RG12_09-2014_159_Wessex/ Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 09/06/2014 Data archived on 13/01/2014 RG12/09 Scientific objective: Biodiversity and the provision of multiple ecosystem services in current and future lowland multifunctional landscapes RG12/09 Priority: 10 PI: France Gerard Sensors:Camera (Requested), delivered 14/08/2014 Fenix (Requested) LiDAR (Requested), delivered 14/08/2014 FW LiDAR OWL |