Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (247 - 249 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#33 fixed BGS2007/02, flight day 172/2007 mggr mggr

Data arrived via DVD.

This dataset is a test of concept for a later flight in the year. BGS commissioned this flight to see if they could see CO2 leaking from covered containers, with a view to detecting sequestered CO2 leakage from mines.

Process as a high priority job (obviously, we're blocked until we have calibration).

#35 fixed Support: 06/July/2007, Peter North, ? mggr mggr

Requested, via Gary, updated azgcorr (was using .4591 & .4611).

#38 fixed Support: 16/July/2007, Richard Teeuw (+Chris Hecker), WM mggr mggr

Richard contacted Gary with a query regarding azgcorr versions (expired again). Noted website was out of date too.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.