Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (250 - 252 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#308 fixed fedora 12 missing text under buttons emca chrfi

system : pmpc974 Build number: 2010.01.26.1

if you run lag in fedora 12 you lose the text beneath all of the buttons in the main view.

#309 fixed button to restore profile window harg chrfi

we really need a button that reopens the profile window. At present if the window is closed the program keeps running but there is no way to get the window back again. this means if the user closes it they will have to restart lag (and incur large loading times).

#310 fixed have multiple resolution versions of quadtree stored at one time chrfi chrfi

basically the quad tree will contain buckets containing different resolutions. the quadtree will still be built at full resolution (or whatever resolution is specified in the constructor. the user will be able to request buckets from subset that contain a lower resolutions. This will mitigate the fact that as buckets are chached as a whole the entire bucket must be cached to access only a single or few points.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.