Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (271 - 273 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#650 fixed Fenix Calibration, end of season, october 2018 asm

This ticket records calibration of the Fenix sensor for the final season. As a memento, the Fenix sensor was repaired by Specim in February 2018 and the detector array was replaced with a new one so timeline comparisons should not be made with calibrations made before 2018

Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2018/misc/calibration_october/original_data

#326 fixed fence causes colour by height to break emca chrfi

to reproduce, open a flightline, then draw a fence on a smallish area (the bug happens at any size but is more obvious the smaller the area). then go to open and refresh the flight line with the fence selected. When the new area is coloured by height the colours will be incorrect (and the colours will change depending on what controls the brightness)

#308 fixed fedora 12 missing text under buttons emca chrfi

system : pmpc974 Build number: 2010.01.26.1

if you run lag in fedora 12 you lose the text beneath all of the buttons in the main view.

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