Custom Query (432 matches)
Results (274 - 276 of 432)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#590 | fixed | RG13/08, flight day 234a/2015, Cambridge | lah | |
Description |
Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2015/flight_data/uk/RG13_08-2015_234a_Cambridge Data arrived from ARSF via USB on 27/08/2015. Scientific objective: Measuring ash die back. Priority: Unknown PI: David Coomes Flown on same day as Monks Wood (RG13/08) and Alconbury(GB15/00). Sensors:
#591 | fixed | RG13/08, flight day 234b/2015, Monks Wood | lah | |
Description |
Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2015/flight_data/uk/RG13_08-2015_234b_Monks_Wood Data arrived from ARSF via USB on 27/08/2015. Scientific objective: Measuring ash die back. Priority: Unknown PI: David Coomes Flown on same day as Cambridge (RG13/08) and Alconbury(GB15/00). Sensors:
#116 | wontfix | azgcorr seg fault | mggr | mark1 |
Description |
azgcorr ver 4.8.9, causes segmentation fault when processing the full data and also when processing certain "chunks" of data, defined by a number of lines. For example using a chunk of lines 1-5000 works ok, but 1-5200 fails. 1-12402 works ok, 1-12403 fails. This is using the Eagle data from IPY07-06. |