Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#335 new bug

Run script updates — at Initial Version

Reported by: benj Owned by: benj
Priority: alpha 4 high Milestone: The Glorious Future
Component: PML utilities Keywords:
Cc: iopa Other processors:


This ticket is for keeping track of desired changes/updates to the run scripts and/or run script generator. If you'd like an update please put it in this ticket so it doesn't get lost - update the list at the top and put a comment in.

Relevant files:


Desired changes:

  • Fix to still generate an Eagle/Hawk config file with per-line information as far as possible even if not given a logsheet.
  • Fix so that it correctly takes into account the situation where the Eagle and Hawk file numbers are different.
  • Rationalise the handling of the variables SORTIE and FLETTER - in some places they are confused and/or not as expected
  • Improve so that it sorts entries into the same order that they're in the template file rather than alphabetically.

Change History (0)

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