Opened 6 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#641 closed flight processing (fixed)

CA18/208, flight day 227b/2018, Ontario, Canada

Reported by: dac Owned by:
Priority: immediate Milestone:
Component: Processing: general Keywords:
Cc: Other processors:


Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2018/flight_data/canada/CA18_207-2018_227b_Ontario

Data arrived from NERC-ARF via hard driver on 12/09/2018

Scientific objective: Canadian Wildfire Observations with SLSTR & Aircraft: Directional Effects of Thermally Emitted Radiation & Exploration of Flaming/Smouldering Partitioning and Plume Trace Gas Emission Ratios. Fenix and Owl data are being processed to aid geocorrection of other thermal sensors flown on the aircraft.

PI: Martin Wooster

BAS Project Code: D207

  • Labelled as 227 (local time) but renamed as 227b (UTC)
  • Navigation data (.sol format) and level1b (unmapped) data to be delivered first. The level1b data will be used to determine which lines map.


  • Fenix (requested, flown)
  • Owl (requested, flown)

Change History (29)

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by asm

Unpacking checks

-There are 15 owl lines and 16 fenix. Nav files have timepstamps.
-Owl lines 14 and 15 are missing T2 cal files.

Last edited 6 years ago by asm (previous) (diff)

comment:2 Changed 6 years ago by asm

Owl processing

Symlinked missing T2 owl files using existing ones for processing purposes and renamed the files according with the flightline number.

comment:3 Changed 6 years ago by asm

Owl Processing

Started in order to create the level1b files.

comment:4 Changed 6 years ago by wja

Navigation Processing
Basestation PPP:

Ellipsoid Height346.795

GNSS/IMU data processed and produced data has been put in relevant project subdirectories.

Last edited 6 years ago by wja (previous) (diff)

comment:5 Changed 6 years ago by asm

Hyperspectral Processing

Have created DEM, apl config file and created mapped lines for a few SCTs for both Fenix and Owl. Have been suggested to prioritise project 229 so will leave further processing on hold for now.

comment:6 Changed 6 years ago by wja

Fenix/Owl Processing
SRTM DEM generated.

comment:7 Changed 6 years ago by dac

Owl Processing

Have taken over Owl processing.

comment:8 Changed 6 years ago by dac

Owl Processing

Found SCT values.

Flightline OWL
1 2
2 2
3 2
4 2
5 2
6 2
7 2
8 2
9 2
10 2
11 3
12 2
13 2
14 2
15 2

Mapping all bands.

Last edited 6 years ago by dac (previous) (diff)

comment:9 Changed 6 years ago by dac

Owl Processing

All bands mapped. Making delivery.

comment:10 Changed 6 years ago by dac

Fenix Processing

There are two areas covered by the flights. The south one is too cloudy to find SCT values. Only processing north site (lines 10 - 16). Found SCT values and mapping all bands.

Flightline FENIX
10 2
11 2
12 2
13 2
14 2
15 2
16 2
Version 1, edited 6 years ago by dac (previous) (next) (diff)

comment:11 Changed 6 years ago by dac

Fenix Processing

Mapped all bands. Making delivery

comment:12 Changed 6 years ago by dac

Owl Processing

Delivery created. Ready for checking.

comment:13 Changed 6 years ago by dac

Fenix Processing

Delivery created. Ready for checking.

comment:14 Changed 6 years ago by wja

Fenix Delivery Check
Started Delivery Check

comment:15 Changed 6 years ago by wja

Fenix Delivery Check

  • Logsheet:
    • Logsheet first page looks like Owl information.
    • Fenix flightlines are seemingly titled one more than their associated Owl lines. f15 = o14, f16=o15 etc. This should be shown on logsheet second page.
    • Flightline 16 has been omitted from processing and is not on the logsheet. The other lines which have not been processed should be removed or they should all be present and aligned with the associated Owl line.
  • ReadMe:
    • ReadMe data quality comments needs to mention the fate of flightline 16.
  • Z-values:
    • All processed lines are completely dominated by underflows (apart from fire) in bands greater than ~350. This is shown in ReadMe, but is it expected?

Everything else looks ready to deliver

comment:16 Changed 6 years ago by wja

Owl Delivery Check
Starting delivery check.

comment:17 Changed 6 years ago by wja

Owl Delivery Check
Please review SCT values for flightlines: 5, 12, 13 & 15.

comment:18 Changed 6 years ago by dac

Fenix Delivery

  • Left frontpage in logsheet as Owl info but fixed Fenix filenames so they correspond to the correct files, also updated readme.
  • Line 16 didn't process due to navigation going backwards error. Forced and found SCT (updated table above). Added to delivery.
  • Added comment about underflows in SWIR bands due to low integration time.

comment:19 Changed 6 years ago by dac

Owl Processing

Rechecked SCT values for specified lines and updated. Edited previous table. Remapping all bands.

comment:20 Changed 6 years ago by dac

Owl Processing

Created new delivery with updated SCT values. Retained readme and logsheet from previous delivery. Ready for checking to be resumed.

comment:21 Changed 6 years ago by wja

Delivery Check
Please check Owl flightline 5 SCT and Fenix flightline 12, they look inaccurate in the check_apl_command outputs.

comment:22 Changed 6 years ago by dac

Fenix and Owl Processing

Redid Owl line 5 (processed using incorrect SCT) and found better SCT value for Fenix line 3 (table above updated). Updated delivery, ready for checking again.

comment:23 Changed 6 years ago by wja

Hyperspectral Delivery Check
Updated flightline 12 looks good and the metadata *xml has been updated.
Ready to deliver.

Owl Delivery Check
Assuming Owl delivery check.

comment:24 Changed 6 years ago by wja

Owl Delivery Check
Spectral is fairly noisy, as expected from the short integration times. Bad pixel are also present but are mentioned in ReadMe.
Ready to deliver.

comment:25 Changed 6 years ago by wja

Hyperspectral & Owl Delivery
Data placed on FTP slot 1. Notification e-mail sent to PI. Delivery finalised. Processing directory tidied.

comment:26 Changed 6 years ago by wja

JSONs created and added to PostGIS. In the queue to rsync to CEDA.

comment:27 Changed 6 years ago by wja

Started rsync to CEDA.

comment:28 Changed 6 years ago by wja

Upload to CEDA complete (17/01/2019)

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