Version 2 (modified by mark1, 13 years ago) (diff) |
This page contains a series of downloadable tutorials to help get used to processing ARSF data using ARSF tools. These will continually be added too as more become available.
Hyperspectral data processing
- Getting started with APL - command line
- Getting started with APL - graphical user interface
Lidar processing
Attachments (7)
(631.4 KB) -
added by mark1 13 years ago.
lev1 to lev3 image
(782.1 KB) -
added by mark1 13 years ago.
advanced tutorial for APL using the command line interface
(114.4 KB) -
added by mark1 13 years ago.
Basic APL command line tutorial
(249.3 KB) -
added by mark1 13 years ago.
Basic APL GUI tutorial
- DEM_practical.pdf (2.1 MB) - added by edfi 12 years ago.
- point2dem.png (314.2 KB) - added by edfi 12 years ago.
(979.0 KB) -
added by mark1 11 years ago.
full waveform extraction tutorial