Version 4 (modified by dac, 9 years ago) (diff)


Q: What is the file format for my ASCII LiDAR data files?


For ASCII files containing 8 columns (data delivered in 2009 and 2010) the files are formatted as follows:

Time, Easting, Northing, elevation, intensity, classification, return number, scan angle rank

For ASCII files containing 9 columns (data delivered from 2011 onwards) the files are formatted as follows:

Time, Easting, Northing, elevation, intensity, classification, return number, number of returns for given pulse, scan angle rank

This information is also given in the readme file that should be included with your data.

Each entry in the list is a single LiDAR return. If you prefer to deal with LAS format data, the text files can be converted to LAS format using third-party software (see Converting ASCII files to LAS).

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