238 | | * |
| 237 | * Create a LiDAR DEM from UKBNG LAS files in the directory and output the a file called lidar_file.dem |
| 238 | * {{{lidardem.sh -d las1.0 -o lidar_file.dem}}} |
| 239 | * Create a LiDAR DEM from utm30n LAS files in the directory and output the a file called lidar_file.dem |
| 240 | * {{{lidardem.sh -d las1.0 -z UTM30N -o lidar_file.dem}}} |
| 241 | * Create a LiDAR DEM from lat/lon LAS files in the directory and output the a file called lidar_file.dem |
| 242 | * {{{lidardem.sh -d las1.0 -z ll -o lidar_file.dem}}} |
| 243 | * Create a LiDAR DEM from a proj4 string LAS files in the directory and output the a file called lidar_file.dem |
| 244 | * {{{lidardem.sh -d las1.0 -z "+proj=utm +zone=30 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84" -o lidar_file.dem}}} |
| 245 | * Create a LiDAR DEM from txt files and use points of all classification and return number |
| 246 | * {{{lidardem.sh -d txt -t -c -a}}} |
| 247 | * Create a LiDAR DEM from txt files using an input resolution of 3 and ouput of 10 |
| 248 | * {{{lidardem.sh -d txt -t -r 3 -R 10}}} |
| 249 | * Read in LAS files in projection UKBNG and project to ll (separation file uk_separation_file_UKBNG.dem is used by default) |
| 250 | * {{{lidardem.sh -d las1.0 -p ll}}} |
| 251 | * Read in a LAS file and extrapolate it with resolution 50 |
| 252 | * {{{lidardem.sh -f las_file -E 50}}} |