Version 8 (modified by adbe, 13 years ago) (diff)


DEM scripts

This page details and explains the use of the DEM creation scripts:

The scripts listed are written in bash.

These scripts are used to create a DEM from LiDAR and elevation model tiles. The scripts use grass GIS to read in the elevation tiles and perform patching and various other operations on the data to create a DEM.


GRASS is a GIS (Geograohic Information System) and details of it can be found at: There is a detailed api and usage guide, it is available for free download at:, as the scripts are written to run on linux, depending on your build of fedora run the following to install grass, the scripts use grass63 by default:

To get started download the template grass database:

  • Run the command:
    • unzip
  • To check that the grass download works run: grass63 -text grass_db_template/UKBNG/PERMANENT/
    • If it did not work successfully check the grass version that you have and the path to the grass template database
    • If it did work successfully press Ctrl-D or type exit to exit

Creating a DEM from ASTER data using script

ASTER tiles

ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) is a sensor on the Terra satellite, ASTER is partly being used to obtain elevation maps. The ASTER tiles are 1 degree x 1 degree lat/lon. The ASTER version 1 have an approximate resolution of 30 metres, version 2 however has an approximate resolution of 15 metres.
15 metre resolution (left), 30 metre resolution (right)
aster_15_m.jpg aster_30_m.jpg

ASTER tiles are in wgs84 lat/lon projection.

Downloading Tiles

The tiles can be downloaded from either of:

    • Create an account or log in
    • Tiles are downloaded by putting on an ftp site, the time period for this depends on the number of tiles, the fewer the faster
    • The best method to select tiles is by a bounding box, drag the box over the desired region
    • Type ASTER into the "Search Terms"
    • Select "ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model V002" in the "Select Datasets"
    • Then click "Search for Granules"
    • Click accept on the Data quality summary
    • Add all items to the cart
    • Click view
    • Click Order at the bottom of the page
    • An order items list will appear, click set: select the data usage, and agree to the terms, make sure "Use these values for all applicable order items" is selected, then save
    • Click proceed
    • Click "Submit Order" at the bottom of the page
    • A confirmation e-mail should be sent when the tiles are ready for download from an ftp site
    • Create an account or log in
    • A tile count of under 100 can be downloaded immediately, over 100 the download is done in batches
    • Click on Search in the dialog box on the left
    • A page with a world map on it should have been loaded
    • Tiles can be selected by clicking on "Select tiles directly" or "Select tiles by polygon"
    • Select the desired tiles and click next
    • Check that your selection is valid, then click next
    • Select the purpose of the tile usage
    • Then download the tiles.

Geoid Height Grid

A geoid spheroid height model is required to elevate the aster tiles to the correct geoid. As the tiles are in lat/lon it is best to elevate it to wgs84, because this is a good standard. To elevate the aster we use a geoid height grid available from:

When the file has been downloaded decompress it by running the command on the command line:

  • gunzip ww15mgh.grd.z

Then to get the file in a format compatible with grass run, this gives a header compatible with grass:

  • sed "s/ -90.000000 90.000000 .000000 360.000000 .250000 .250000/north: 90.000000 \nsouth: -90.000000 \nwest: 0.000000 \neast: 360.000000\nrows: 721\ncols: 1441/g" ww15mgh.grd -i

Separation Files

If projecting the aster data to another projection with a differing elevation model a separation file needs to be used to elevate the aster correctly. For example if projecting the DEM to a osgb36 UKBNG projection from wgs84 lat/lon the elevation model is different. To elevate the aster we need a description of the height differences between the geoid and the spheroid, a file describing the differences between the two can be found at:

  • Once the file has been downloaded run the command:
    • mkdir OSTN02_OSGM02files; unzip -d OSTN02_OSGM02files
  • Now run:
    • grass63 -text /PATH/TO/grass_db_template/UKBNG/PERMANENT/
  • Grass should have opened if it did not look at the section above on Grass GIS
  • First get the region that is going to be read in:
    • input=OSTN02_OSGM02_GB.txt output=OSTN02_OSGM02_GB.txt x=2 y=1 z=6 fs="," --overwrite -s
      • This should return:
Range:min max
x: 0.000000 700000.000000
y: 1.000000 876951.000000
z: -81.6030000.000000
  • Then actually set the region based on this, include a buffer size of 1 metre, resolution is 1000 for this file:
    • g.region e=700001 w=-1 n=876952 s=0 res=1000
  • Now read in the separation file:
    • input=OSTN02_OSGM02_GB.txt output=OSTN02_OSGM02_GB.txt x=2 y=1 z=6 fs="," --overwrite
  • Now to check that the reading in of the file has worked run:
    • gis.m
      • In the manager click on "Add raster layer"
      • Then click on "Base map" and select "OSTN02_OSGM02_GB.txt"
      • In the "Map Display" click on "Redraw all layers".
      • You should now see the raster map that has been read in
  • Now the separation file has been read in a separation DEM can be created
    • The raster map can be output to a file with the following command:
      • r.out.gdal input=OSTN02_OSGM02_GB.txt output=uk_separation_file_UKBNG.dem format=ENVI type=Float32 nodata=0 --overwrite
      • rm -f uk_separation_file_UKBNG.dem.aux.xml
    • This DEM can be used as a separation file when projecting from osgb36 UKBNG to wgs84 lat/lon, however, we want it for projecting the other way. The DEM we have created here can be used later for use with the LiDAR, so do not remove it.
  • To project the DEM:
    • First we need to get a vector representing the entire region of the DEM:
      • output=vector_box type=area --overwrite
    • Then to get the resolution projected:
      • Save the region so that we can get back here:
        • g.region save=actualregion --overwrite
      • Set the region to the the bottom left corner based on the resolution:
        • g.region n=s+`echo \`g.region -p | grep nsres\` | awk '{print $2}'` e=w+`echo \`g.region -p | grep ewres\` | awk '{print $2}'`
      • Create a vector box based on the resolution:
        • output=vector_box_res type=area --overwrite
      • Reset the region:
        • g.region actualregion
    • To get the DEM in another projection:
      • Project the resolution vector to the wgs84 lat/lon location:
        • v.proj input=vector_box_res location=UKBNG mapset=PERMANENT output=vector_box_res --overwrite
      • Set the region to be the size of the vector and then set the resolution:
        • g.region vect=vector_box_res rows=1 cols=1
      • Project the total region vector to the wgs84 lat/lon location:
        • v.proj input=vector_box location=UKBNG mapset=PERMANENT output=vector_box --overwrite
      • Set the total region:
        • g.region vect=vector_box
      • Project the separation file to the current location:
        • r.proj input=OSTN02_OSGM02_GB.txt location=UKBNG mapset=PERMANENT output=OSTN02_OSGM02_GB.txt --overwrite
      • Output the separation file:
        • r.out.gdal input=OSTN02_OSGM02_GB.txt output=uk_separation_file_WGS84LL.dem format=ENVI type=Float32 nodata=0 --overwrite
        • rm -f uk_separation_file_WGS84LL.dem.aux.xml

Attachments (3)

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