Version 43 (modified by dac, 10 years ago) (diff)


Useful Links

This page lists software and web pages that you may find useful. Obviously plenty of other software exists and may be useful, but these are some of the ones we know of and have found useful. If you have developed software / tutorials (in particular using ARSF data) you would like to be added to the list, let us know.




FW - Supports full waveform data.

  • ARSF DEM Scripts - General scripts for creating DSMs/DTMs from LiDAR data.
  • LAStools Toolbox for processing of LiDAR data (open source and commercial components, source available from GitHub)
  • Laspy A Python library for working with LAS files
  • OPALS Software for processing discrete and full waveform LiDAR data (commercial, academic licenses available). FW
  • SPDLib Open source library for storing and processing discrete and full waveform LiDAR data. Supports reading/writing LAS and ASCII files. FW
  • points2grid A tool for generating DEMs from LAS and ASCII files. Development version has option to filter by class and / or return. More details are available on the opentopography page.
  • PulseWaves Tools for working with full waveform data, and library for reading full waveform data in the pulsewaves format. (open and closed source components). FW
  • Fleurdelas An open-source IDL reader/writer for LAS files
  • PDAL Point Data Abstraction Library - Library for reading and writing point data in different formats, similar to GDAL but for points.
  • LibLAS C/C++ library for reading/writing LAS files (largely replaced with LASlib from LAStools and laspy)

  • fityk curve fitting tool (useful for full waveform LiDAR data). Free for version 0.9.8 and older.FW





  • APL Github page for our in-house hyperspectral processing code
  • ARSF binary reader Reader for ENVI format binary files
  • ATCOR Program for atmospheric correction of spectral remote sensing data
  • TuiView (ARSF Fork) Open source geospatial image viewer, supports viewing spectral profiles and opening zipped bil files (as provided with ARSF deliveries). ARSF fork reads level1b files by default. Details of original version, which contains patches by ARSF, available from here


Digital Photography



  • ENVI Commercial geospatial image viewer.
  • GDAL Geospatial Data Abstraction Library. An open source library for reading/writing common raster formats including BIL/BSQ with bindings for C++ and Python. Also provides a number of command line utilities for converting file formats, reprojecting data, creating mosaics etc.
  • GRASS Open source GIS (powerful and full featured, but with a steep learning curve).
  • QGIS Open source GIS package, latest version provides interface to GRASS tools.
  • OSGeo4W Windows installation package for a number of open source remote sensing and GIS software packages (including GDAL, GRASS and QGIS).
  • PROJ4 cartographic projections library useful for re-projecting point data but can be difficult to use.
  • Raster I/O Simplification (RIOS) Python library built on top of GDAL for raster processing. Reads and writes data in tiles and passes blocks of data as NumPy arrays for efficient processing of large datasets.
  • RSGISLib The Remote Sensing and GIS Library. A collection of tools for processing remote sensing and GIS datasets accessed using Python bindings