Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of Procedures/DeliveryChecking

Sep 9, 2010, 12:01:44 PM (14 years ago)



  • Procedures/DeliveryChecking

    v9 v10  
    99 1. Check that  [wiki:Processing/FilenameConventions#Delivereddata all other folders] and contents are present.
    1010 1. Check for typos, etc in the documentation.
     11 1. Only the PDF read me file should be present (no .tex, .out, .aux, .log files)
    1112 1. Ensure the text files are Windows compatible (use the 'file' command on the .txt files: they should be ASCII with CRLF terminators) (run unix2dos !ReadMe.txt)
    1213 1. Test out the readme level 3 processing command for one or more of the level 1 files (definitely one per sensor).
    2223  1. Only PDF versions of logsheet should be present.
    2324 1. Check for typos, etc in the documentation.
     25 1. Only the PDF read me file should be present (no .tex, .out, .aux, .log files)
    2426 1. Ensure the text files are Windows compatible (use the 'file' command on the .txt files: they should be ASCII with CRLF terminators) (run unix2dos !ReadMe.txt)
    2527 1. Check all the ASCII LIDAR files open/load, look OK and fit together
    4951 1. Check against the readme that all data that should be present is.
    5052 1. Check for typos, etc in the documentation.
     53 1. Only the PDF read me file should be present (no .tex, .out, .aux, .log files)
    5154 1. Ensure the text files are Windows compatible (use the 'file' command on the .txt files: they should be ASCII with CRLF terminators) (run unix2dos !ReadMe.txt)
    5255 1. View all of the thumbnail images