Changes between Version 30 and Version 31 of Procedures/DeliveryChecking

Jul 26, 2011, 4:11:12 PM (14 years ago)



  • Procedures/DeliveryChecking

    v30 v31  
    5252 1. Check for typos, etc in the documentation.
    5353 1. Only the PDF read me file should be present (no .tex, .out, .aux, .log files)
    54  1. View all of the thumbnail images
    55   * Remove any that are very over/under exposed or not relevant to the project. This could include: very bright images, very dark images, images of the instrument bay door, images not overlapping with any of the Eagle/Hawk data
    56   * Also remove the corresponding tif images from the photographs directory.
    57   * Also remove the entry for the image from the eventfile csv.
    58    * Be careful not to truncate the values if using open office.
    59   * Recreate the KML file so that removed photos do not appear in it.
     54 1. View all of the thumbnail images. Look for any that are very over/under exposed or not relevant to the project. This could include: very bright images, very dark images, images of the instrument bay door, images not overlapping with any of the Eagle/Hawk data
    6055 1. Check one (or more) of the photographs for tagging information: `exiftool photographs/FILENAME`
    6156 1. View one of the photographs to check it opens OK.