Version 6 (modified by knpa, 15 years ago) (diff)


Delivery Checking

Once a dataset has been prepared for burning and delivery, a second person should go over it and:

For Hyperspectral Data

  1. Verify we have the correct PI (check against application, call Gloucester if unsure) and address (application, address book spreadsheet, google, Gloucester)
  2. Check against the logsheet that all data that should be present is.
  3. Check that all other folders and contents are present.
    1. Only PDF versions of logsheet should be present.
  4. Check for typos, etc in the documentation.
  5. Ensure the readme and other text files are Windows compatible (use the 'file' command on the .txt files: they should be ASCII with CRLF terminators) (run unix2dos ReadMe.txt)
  6. Test out the readme level 3 processing command for one or more of the level 1 files (definitely one per sensor).
  7. Check each of the screenshots
  8. All level 1 files should be looked at visually using fastQC.
  9. Run on the project and look for any errors located in the delivery.

For LIDAR Data

  1. Verify we have the correct PI (check against application, call Gloucester if unsure) and address (application, google, Gloucester)
  2. Check against the logsheet that all data that should be present is.
  3. Check that all other folders and contents are present
    1. Only PDF versions of logsheet should be present.
  4. Check for typos, etc in the documentation.
  5. Ensure the readme and other text files are Windows compatible (use the 'file' command on the .txt files: they should be ASCII with CRLF terminators) (run unix2dos ReadMe.txt)
  6. Check all the ASCII LIDAR files open/load, look OK and fit together
    • Use lag to view the data
    • OR use a scripted approach with Grass to check each line reads in and mosaic looks good. Either run from within Grass or run You need to generate these yourself from the ascii files, you can't just look at already created DEM/Screenshots.
    • Check that all lines look OK and the mosaic overlaps horizontally with no gaps
  7. Run the script which will read in the ascii files and check all points have the correct number of records (8) and report the min/max of the time/easting/northings.
  8. Check the DEM contents look OK
    • less <dem>
    • should have an azgcorr style header and plausible numbers as data
    • check DEM header resolution is the same as in the Read_Me.txt file
    • To view the DEM in envi, make a copy of it and run sed -i -e "1d" dem_copy.dem (this removes the azgcorr header)
  9. Check the screenshots look OK
  10. Run on the project and look for any errors located in the delivery.

For Digital Photography Data

  1. Verify we have the correct PI (check against application, call Gloucester if unsure) and address (application, google, Gloucester)
  2. Check against the readme that all data that should be present is.
  3. Check for typos, etc in the documentation.
  4. Ensure the readme and other text files are Windows compatible (use the 'file' command on the .txt files: they should be ASCII with CRLF terminators) (run unix2dos ReadMe.txt)
  5. View all of the thumbnail images
    • Remove any that are very over/under exposed or not relevant to the project. This could include: very bright images, very dark images, images of the instrument bay door, images not overlapping with any of the Eagle/Hawk data
    • Also remove the corresponding tif images from the photographs directory.
    • Also remove the entry for the image from the eventfile csv.
      • Be careful not to truncate the values if using open office.
    • Recreate the KML file so that removed photos do not appear in it.
  6. Check one (or more) of the photographs for tagging information: exiftool photographs/FILENAME
  7. View one of the photographs to check it opens OK.
  8. Check file sizes of photographs look reasonable (224M) and there are no _tmp photo files.
  9. Open the kml file in googleearth and check it looks good and that thumbnails are displayed when the push pins are clicked.
    • If thumbnails are not visible open the kml file in a text editor. Check image source is the thumbnails directory and that image filenames are correct.
  10. Check filenames correspond. If more than one project has been flown check that julian day has the letter after it (e.g. 298b). This will be in photograph, thumbnail and eventfile directories. Also check filenames in the eventfile have the julian day letter included.
  11. Run on the project and look for any errors located in the delivery.

After checking, the project should now be rsynced.