Changes between Version 38 and Version 39 of Procedures/DeliveryCreation/LIDAR

Jun 6, 2017, 1:59:20 PM (8 years ago)

Added link to documentation.


  • Procedures/DeliveryCreation/LIDAR

    v38 v39  
    2727 1. If you did not create the DEM and screenshots using the above script (-m option) then create them manually using [wiki:Processing/]. [[BR]] You will also need to make a lat long version of the dem (for use with aplcorr) using or appropriately.
    2828 1. Generate the readme file.
    29   1. Create a config file for the read me using the '''''' script, using the -d option to specify the delivery directory and the -r option to specify the type of config file to generate.
     29  1. Create a config file for the read me using the `` script, using the -d option to specify the delivery directory and the -r option to specify the type of config file to generate.
    3030  1. Edit the config file and check all the items are filled in:
    3131   * Any remarks about the data should be entered as a sentence in the "data_quality_remarks" section.
    3333   * line_numbering should contain a space separated list of line names linking the logsheet to the processed files.
    3434   * las_files should contain the path to the processed LAS file in order to extract the per flightline statistics
    35    * elevation_difference should contain a list of the elevation differences between overlapping flightlines. Enter the lines numbers and the difference in cm followed by a semicolon e.g 001 002 5; 002 003 4.5; etc...
     35   * elevation_difference should contain a list of the elevation differences between overlapping flightlines. Enter the lines numbers and the difference in cm followed by a semicolon e.g 001 002 5; 002 003 4.5; etc. From 2017 onwards these numbers should be generated using [wiki:/Procedures/DeliveryCreation/LiDARElevationDiffs ``].
    3636   * All "compulsory" items should contain data
    3737  1. Create a TeX file. Use the script ` -f <config filename>` '''Use the -w option for creating a full waveform readme'''
    38    1. This file can be reviewed and edited in any text editor if needed. Note that this script may cause an error `[Errno 21] Is a directory: '/tmp/'`. If this occurs, fill in the intensity and dem images in the "Optional" section of the config file generated as a result of above steps.
    39   1. Create a PDF file by running `pdflatex <tex_filename>`
     38   1. This file can be reviewed and edited in any text editor if needed. If you edit remember to spell check. Note that this script may cause an error `[Errno 21] Is a directory: '/tmp/'`. If this occurs, fill in the intensity and dem images in the "Optional" section of the config file generated as a result of above steps.
     39  1. Create a PDF file by running `pdflatex <tex_filename>` twice.
    4040   1. Review the read me and check carefully to see if it looks OK with all relevant information present
    4141   1. Copy it to the delivery directory and remove any temporary files. Recommended to keep the TeX file until after delivery checking in case any edits are required
    4949   * Rename the files in the convention "LDR-PPPP_PP-yyyydddfnn.LAS" (details in readme, you should have created a CSV file with the new names in previous steps so rename accordingly ).
    50    * run <delivery/flightlines/las1.0> <delivery/flightlines/ascii> '''Note, it is important to ensure that the correct options are used with this. Otherwise it will output the wrong format.'''
     50   * run ` <delivery/flightlines/las1.0> <delivery/flightlines/ascii>` '''Note, it is important to ensure that the correct options are used with this. Otherwise it will output the wrong format.'''
    5151   * OR run `las2txt --parse txyzicrna <lidarfilename> <outputfilename>` for each file, outputting to the ascii_laser directory (may not work with LAS 1.1). 
    52  1. You need to create a DEM from the lidar data to include with the delivery. Use and put the output file in a directory named 'dem'. Noisy points (those with classification 7) should not be included in the DEM (this is the default behaviour). You should also create a second DEM that is suitable for use in aplcor. Use either or depending on where your project is located, or run the script again specifying the different output projection. This DEM should be name ***_wgs84_latlong.dem
    53  1. Include a pdf version of the flight logsheet with the delivery 
     52 1. You need to create a DEM from the lidar data to include with the delivery. For more details see the page on [wiki:/Help/LeicaLidarDems  'Creating a DEM from point clouds']
     53 1. Include a PDF version of the flight logsheet with the delivery 
    5454 1. Make sure correct up to date data quality report (pdf version) is included in docs directory
    55  1. Create full resolution JPGs of mosaic of all the LIDAR lines by intensity, a separate one of the intensity with vectors overlaid (if vectors are available) and one of the dem and put in screenshot directory (with [wiki:Processing/]).
     55 1. Create full resolution JPEGs of mosaic of all the lidar lines by intensity, a separate one of the intensity with vectors overlaid (if vectors are available) and one of the dem and put in screenshot directory (with [wiki:Processing/]).
    5656 1. Generate the readme using as per point 3 above
    5858'''*Note: Be sure that all the files outputted in the above steps conform to the file name formats specified [wiki:Processing/FilenameConventions#Lidardeliveries here]'''
    60 A problem that occasionally occurs where there is no hyperspectral data for a particular flight is that a very large dem is created during the DEMGENERATION stage of the delivery script. You should overcome this by using the {{{aplbuffer=False}}} argument for the [[br]] {{{--lidardeminfo}}} option.
    6260=== Additional Steps for Full Waveform Deliveries ===