| 9 | ------------------------ |
| 10 | == Preparation == |
| 11 | === What should be included === |
| 12 | * level 1 data that has been mapped to level 3 successfully and verified as correctly geolocated (as far as possible). |
| 13 | * a readme file describing the contents of the delivery |
| 14 | * flight logsheet |
| 15 | * screenshots (level 3) |
| 16 | * one of each line (no vectors) |
| 17 | * mosaic of all lines for a single sensor, one with and one without vectors overlaid |
| 18 | * each screenshot should try to show typical or noteworthy characteristics of the image - e.g. any distortion or error, or a typical part of the scene |
| 19 | * (2008?) a DEM file where we have one and can give it to the user |
| 20 | * any ancillary files (spheroid separation grids for non-UK flights, OS GB correction factors, etc) |
| 30 | === Necessary comments to make in the readme file === |
| 31 | 1. Update anything marked TODO in the template |
| 32 | 1. Appropriate pixel size |
| 33 | 1. Comments on the quality of the data (accuracy vs vectors, any bad bands, etc) and any specific problems encountered |
| 34 | 1. Include a tested example command to convert the data from level 1 to level 3 |
| 35 | 1. Ensure the text file is in Windows format (run `unix2dos` on it if necessary) |
| 36 | 1. ''(list of other things to change)'' |
| 37 | |
| 38 | ------------------------ |
23 | | 1. `ssh pmpc886` |
24 | | 1. `~arsf/usr/bin/delivery_prep_2006.sh PROJECTCODE JULIANDAY` |
25 | | 1. change dir to the newly created delivery directory '''Note:''' ''this directory will be created in /tmp, which is automatically deleted after 3 days!'' |
26 | | 1. Copy in: |
27 | | 1. the level-1 files to lev1/ |
28 | | 1. the logsheet to logsheet/ |
29 | | 1. the screenshots to screenshots/ |
30 | | 1. replace any Unix-upsetting characters (spaces, brackets, etc) in filenames |
31 | | 1. edit the Read_Me.txt-MUST_EDIT file |
32 | | 1. Appropriate pixel size |
33 | | 1. Comments on the quality of the data and any specific problems encountered |
34 | | 1. Ensure the text file is in Windows format (run `unix2dos` on it if necessary) |
35 | | 1. ''(list of other things to change)'' |
36 | | 1. '''Verification''': get someone else to go through the verification steps in the section above |
37 | | 1. copy the Read_Me.txt to the original project directory (~arsf/arsf_data/2006/...) as a backup and so we can refer to it later |
38 | | 1. Burn the data |
39 | | 1. create an iso image with `mkisofs -R -udf -verbose -o /tmp/dvd.iso -V <ARSF-PROJECTCODE-JULIANDAY> <delivery_directory>` |
40 | | 1. test the iso with `sudo mount -o ro,loop /tmp/dvd.iso /mnt/tmp` - mounts to /mnt/tmp, go look at it, then unmount with `sudo umount /mnt/tmp` (yes, that is umount not unmount) |
41 | | 1. if it's ok, burn to CD/DVD with `sudo cdrecord dev=/dev/dvdwriter -sao fs=100m driveropts=burnfree -v /tmp/dvd.iso` |
42 | | 1. clean up with `rm /tmp/dvd.iso` |
| 51 | === Burning the data === |
| 52 | 1. create an iso image with `mkisofs -R -udf -verbose -o /tmp/dvd.iso -V <PROJECTCODE-JULIANDAY> <delivery_directory>` |
| 53 | 1. test the iso with `sudo mount -o ro,loop /tmp/dvd.iso /mnt/tmp` - mounts to /mnt/tmp, go look at it, then unmount with `sudo umount /mnt/tmp` (yes, that is umount not unmount) |
| 54 | 1. if it's ok, burn to CD/DVD with `sudo cdrecord dev=/dev/dvdwriter -sao fs=100m driveropts=burnfree -v /tmp/dvd.iso` |
| 55 | 1. clean up with `rm /tmp/dvd.iso` |
| 56 | 1. check the dvd on another machine (ideally Windows) |