Changes between Version 63 and Version 64 of Procedures/NEODCDelivery

May 6, 2011, 10:52:33 AM (13 years ago)



  • Procedures/NEODCDelivery

    v63 v64  
    5959   When complete, this will have dumped the data into `~arsf/arsf_data/archived/neodc_transfer_area/staging/`.  Check it looks OK then move it up one level so NEODC can rsync it.
    6060 [[BR]][[BR]]
    61  1. Notify NEODC they can download the data.
    62  1. When NEODC have the data:
    63   1. Remove it from the transfer area
    64   1. Note on ticket that it's been sent to neodc (with date.)
     61 1. Notify NEODC they can download the data (Current contact is: and record the date in the ticket.
    6562 1. When NEODC confirm they have backed up the data:
    66   1. Move the repository project to non-backed-up space at: ~arsf/arsf_data/archived/<original path from ~arsf/arsf_data/>  [[BR]]
     63  1. Remove tarball from the transfer area
     64  1. Move the repository project to archive disk at: ~arsf/arsf_data/archived/<original path from ~arsf/arsf_data/>  [[BR]]
    6765     e.g. `mv ~arsf/arsf_data/2008/flight_data/uk/CEH08_01/ ~arsf/arsf_data/archived/2008/flight_data/uk/CEH08_01` [[BR]]
    6866     You may need to create parent directories if they don't yet exist.
    69   1. Create a symlink to the project in it's original location. Point the symlink through ~arsf/arsf_data/archived rather than directly to larsen. [[BR]] e.g. `ln -s ~arsf/arsf_data/archived/2008/flight_data/uk/CEH08_01 ~arsf/arsf_data/2008/flight_data/uk/CEH08_01`
    70   1. Note in ticket that it has been backed up by NEODC and give new data location.
    71  1. When NEODC confirm that everything appears to be in order (maybe wait a week):
     67  1. Create a symlink to the project in it's original location. Point the symlink through ~arsf/arsf_data/archived rather than directly to specific disk. [[BR]] e.g. `ln -s ~arsf/arsf_data/archived/2008/flight_data/uk/CEH08_01 ~arsf/arsf_data/2008/flight_data/uk/CEH08_01`
     68  1. Note in ticket that it has been backed up by NEODC and moved to archive disk.
     69 1. Final steps - maybe wait a month:
     70   * Delete the workspace copy in being_archived
    7271   * Close the ticket
    73    * Delete the workspace copy in being_archived