copy the release file to ~arsf/usr/arsf_releases/relXXX.tar.gz (rename to add .tar.gz)
uncompress to ~arsf/usr/arsf_releases/bill-YYYYMMMDD/ (where the date is the date of receiving, ish)
mkdir ~arsf/usr/arsf_releases/bill-YYYYMMMDD/
cd ~arsf/usr/arsf_releases/bill-YYYYMMMDD/
tar xzvf ../relXXX.tar.gz
[skip this step now] rename the files from azgcorr.489 to azgcorr.4.8.9 (arguably unnecessary now, but used to be done to allow us to script updates. 489 is not sortable while 4.8.9 is, when version numbers get > 10)