Version 14 (modified by mggr, 17 years ago) (diff)


Arrival of new flight data

This procedure should be followed on receipt of new flight data from ARSF.

  1. ensure permissions on the SATA disk are correct and all files readable ("chmod a+rX /mnt/satadisk" as root)
  2. copy to appropriate location on the filesystem (~arsf/arsf_data/in_progress/2007/flight_data/...)
    • ensure the directory name conforms to the standard - PROJECTCODE-YYYY_JJJxx_SITENAME, e.g. GB2007_07-2007_102a_Inverclyde, boresight-2007_198, etc
    • rename any capitalised subdirectories
    • remove any spaces, brackets or other Unix-upsetting characters in filenames
    • move DCALM* files to applanix/Raw
    • prune empty directories? (need to think about this, maybe only do after checking it's not a stub for later data)
    • need to ensure backups are taken
  3. look at the logsheet and verify that we have copies of all relevant data mentioned there
  4. raise a trac ticket (type 'flight processing') for the new data
    • ticket summary should be of the form BGS2007/02, flight day 172/2007, Keyworth
    • ticket body should contain:
      Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/in_progress/2007/flight_data/uk/GB2004_19-2007_102b_Nigg_Bay
      Data arrived from ARSF via initial SATA disk transfer in June.
      Scientific details: (details of 2004 applications not available at PML)
      PI: A. N. Other
      Any other notes..
      == Sensors: ==
       * ATM
       * CASI
       * Eagle
       * Hawk
      == Quicklook ==
    • add scientific summary (check ARSF application in ~arsf/arsf_data/in_progress/2007/ARSF_Applications-GB_2007)
    • note arrival time of data
    • note any specific comments that might help with processing
  5. add details to the appropriate processing status wiki page

Specific notes

If in any doubt about something (e.g. a dataset has two project codes), contact Gary.

Other data types